Not giving up!

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Face the consequences they say... then someone explain to me how being quirkless was actually a crime? I was no different than any of the others in my class yet for the past 14 years of my life, I was treated as if I was an insect. Not that I could remember how I was actually treated when I was around 4 anymore. The last thing I do remember was my mom saying I am sorry and her face was somthing, I would and could never forget at all. She pittied me and back then she didn't know what to do with me. Not as if I knew what to do anyways. Nothing really changed.


Me: I AM UP!


I was in the bathroom and there was one thing I actually enjoyed and that was a long bath in the morning. It felt refreshing but the problem was that the bath I was taking was about an hour long and right now, I was still in that bathtube soaking and letting all the fatige of my body just vanish. There was too much going on and another reason why I loved being in the batube was because all the bruises and the burns I had thanks to Bakugo stopped hurting while I was in more or less hotwater.

Whelp, anyways!

Now that my mother called out to me, I decided to get out of the bathroom, get prepared as well as hide all the wounds I had and quickly started running out of the house. However, not without one last "I love you" kiss on my moms cheek. She was the best mother I could wish for and while I knew she was a bit clueless and worried, I also knew how much she loved me. 

Me: I am on my way then!

Mom: Go honey and don't be late.

Me: I'll try.

The last part was refering to Bakugo beating me up in front of the damn school so that I was usually late. Not as if that would actually  something new... HAH! That fluffy Dandelion was doing it on purpose! For what reason though? I never could see any reasons for it at all.

Me: .... Oh no...

As I was walkring or more like running to school, I saw Bakugo and our eyes meet for a split second before I started running away. I mean, I couldn't really think at all, my body just reacted on its own and so I started running and as if that was not enough, I started hearing his voice calling out to me calling FUCKING DEKU! Yeah.... I knew this was stupid! Though it was more stupid to let him beat me up like shit.

Me: Oh please! I don't want this!

To be honest, I was sick and tired of this.

Each day I would prey for Bakugo not to be here and each day I would hope for less pain. Did anyone hear my payers? Who knows... though it doesn't look like it!


What did I ever do to you?

I can't believe you are running after me!

What about school?

Why can't you let me on my own?!


Does it hurt to leave a quirkless kid alone?

I can't even fight you back... wait I can... 

Want me to try and slap you... I mean bitchslap you?

Or do you need a broken nose to let me go....

Sigh.... mom would kill me if I even tried something like that.

 As I was running, I started to panick sinc there was not much of a hiding place around here. There was also a chance of them catching up to me and from experience I knew that Bakugo was never alone. He had his minion chasing after me. So in the end no matter what I would do, I would probably get hurt.

Me: Why can't they leave me alone?! I AM QUIRKLESS ANYWAYS!

My thoughts slipped my mind as I basically started talking and then screaming the last part as I ran past a cafe. I really wanted to escape all this andd that was when I suddenly ran into a side alley. Who knows why I ran in there but I kinda thought it was a good idea... well I hoped that I could outsmart them at least. There were some doors around here and there was also some trash cans as well as .... some damn shabby people. Wow,... I must be really lucky to have chosen to run in here. 

While I was panicking what to do now, I knew that turning around was no option and so I continued my way to get into that alley and just simply hope for the best.


A) Run into a certain someone!

B) Hide and hope for the best!

C) Fight back

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