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A/N: Sorry for the late update! I kinda had too much to do and then forgot about it TT.TT

I don't know how long I was running away but I just did and at some point I even tried flying but I gave up because for the love of god, I really couldn't figre out how I was supposed to actually fly or use my wings at all. They first like bones but I kinda figured out how the fire part worked out. Well not as if I had it under controll yet but oh well.

While I was running away, I found an abandoned house or I thought it was at least abandoned. There was dust everywhere and no sign of anyone living here besides rat. There were soo many of them as well. I didn't really get what happened but it felt definitely better running away from who knows what would have happeneding if I stayed right there in that room.


Let's figure some stuff out...

How about my name....

In this moment my head was just blank. I couldn't remember anything at all. It felt weird to say the least to know I was alive and that I had a life, well probably and then this. I had zero ideas basically anything. It almost felt as if I was a todler once again and had to figure out my ways areound.

Me: *sigh*

???: Are you alright?

That sudden voice surprised me soo much that I not only jumped but my wings started to fire up once again. 


I was not alone!

Do I fight?

Do I run?

???: Easy there! I am not here to hurt you.

Me: Who are you?

???: I might as you that as well.

Me: I don't know.

???: You don't know what happened to you but you look as if you had a hell of a night.

Me: Kinda...

???: I am Valerian. I am a vigilante, well something like that.

Me: Something like that?

Valerian: Well I gather informations and then present an anonymous letter to the police tipping them to the right direction.

Me: Oh...

Valerian: Do you want me to help you?

Me: How do I know that you are not tricking me?

Valerian: Because I am quirkless and you could hurt me more than I could hurt you.

Me: ...

Do I have another choices as well?

I don't know anything and he might help me...

Am I naive to trust this man?

Probably but he doesn't seem that bad and he had a point, I could just hurt him and run...

Me: Yeah... 

Valerian: Alright, come with me.

This man finally came out of the shadow and only now did I see that it was quite an old man with white hair. He also had a cane but he definitelly had something mysterous about him. Not only that I didn't hear nor could hear him approaching me this very instant, but I also couldn't feel his presence. 

Valerian: Hmm... you don't seem to be hurt which is good. Now come on kid, follow me.

Me: Where?

Valerian: Home or do you want to stay here?

Me: Not really.

Since I couldn't really think about anything else to do, I went ahead and followed him. I did know that I was potentially walking to my own demise and doom but oh well that was my choice and right now, I did need a helping hand. Once I got out of the hospital, I felt lost. Not only didn't I know who I was, I also didn't know anything at all. I needed help no matter what. Maybe staying in that room was the better option but I couldn't. I started panicking there.

Valerian: What's up kiddo?

Me: Sorry, nothing.

Valerian: Didn't expect an old man huh?

Me: Not really. Why are you a vigilante tho and what is a vigilante?

Valerian: I became one when I was around your age. Old habits die hard, you know. I couldn't leave it behind and here I am still doing my work.

Me: ...

Valerian: Kiddo, how can you not know what a vigilante is?

Me: I don't know, it's just that I don't remember anything.

Valerian: Amnesia... hmm.. oh well not something I can help much but if you want, I can find out who you are.

Me: I just need my name or a name. I don't care about my past.

Valerian: I like that answer. The past is only something that is holding us back after all. You can have a complete fresh start, you know. This is somewhat like a second gift in life. 

Me: ... I see...

Valerian: Oh I know! I will call you Haru.

Me: Haru?

Valerian: Yes, this will be your new name. It means light, sun or spring. Something about you reminds me about the spring so let's go with that.

Me: Okay... thanks.

Valerian: Now come on, follow me Haru.

This was the moment I became an entire new person with an identiy and a new name as a vigilante named Haru.

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