- Vigilante Route!

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A/N: From here on out Vigilante Route till the chapter title indicates the change of route again :)

I don't know what really happened. When I woke up, I had a white ceiling greeting me and all that I could hear was some beeping. It was the sound of some machines but that was not all. This smell was something I hated from being little. Whenever I came into an infirmary or aphotecary it would have this similar smell. 

Is this a hospital?


My head....

What happened?!

I couldn't remember anything at all. All that I knew was that I just woke up here. But there was this pain in my chest that was making me sad as well as think as if I forgot something really really important but I didn't know what happened at all. My head was hurting me soo much that I really didn't know anything at all but staying here made me soo uneasy.

Who am I?

What happened?

Why am I here?

From what I could tell besides the headache, there was nothing wrong with me at all. I didn't feel any other kind of pain and I couldn't see an indication of be being hurt otherwise. The only problem was that I couldn't remember anything at all at the moment.

Still staying here was no option as well.

I felt uneasy. As if this was a place I wanted to escape. I didn't know why I felt this threat of staying here but it was definitelly there. I was scared, my heart was pounding and my head was giving me a splitting headache. None of this was a good sigh.

Without much of a thought, I quickly got rid of anything attached to me and went to the door listening carefully at first.

Should I go out through the door?

Would they let me out?

Am I a paitent here?


This might not even be a hospital room!

I am scared...

I ...

No what if this is no room and I was being tortured?

I do have a lot of scares...

Maybe this is a bad place!

I shouldn't use the door then!

Just to be safe!

My thoughts were running wild as I didn't feel safe here. In fact I felt a small panic attack coming up at me and I didn't like it one bit. I needed to get out of here. I didn't know or I couldn't know what this situation was but I was sure not gonna stay and find out just for my fate to be sealed. My heart was telling me to run and right now, I could only listen to it.

But where should I go when I get out?

Who am I?


This is not important right now!

I will figure out where to go and everything else after I get out!

I have wings!

I should be able to fly... right?

I hope so!

I soooo do hope I remember how to fly...

Wouldn't be pretty if not!

As quickly as I could, I rushed over to the window and opened it only to freeze in place for a bit. On second thought, I was not sure if I knew how to fly at all but hey if a bird could learn how to fly instinctively then why shouldn't I be able to do that? Alright, I was not a bird but I lost all my memories so something for sure had to come instinctively, right? Right?

No matter how I looked at this, this was a crazy idea but for some reason I was really set on this. I don't know what it was that drove me to do it but before I knew it, I jumped out of the window. It was the 6th floor as well. I would be dead if I didn't figure out how to fly or glide very soon.




I am soo done!

I need to glide!



At this point, I was just falling. Oh how foolish I was to jump out. It was scary and after I saw that the floor was getting cloer and closer, I couldn't help but close my eyes and wait that I would hit the ground. It was soon over for sure. I couldn't remember how to fly and I also didn't know how to use these wings. For some idiotic reasons I thought this was a good idea. Yeah no. By now I wanted to actually wanted to scream but that would make my escape obvious.

As I waited for the impact, it never came. In fact I felt the wind in my face and that was when I opened my eyes to see that I was gliding.... just around a meter above ground. Sheesh.... this was such a close call for sure.

Me: *sigh*

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