I am fucked

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  Now I thought my couldn't get any worse or better at all after getting basically hacked by who knows where but here I was at the door and then actually freeze there. Is this a bad moment to say that I got a pair of villains standing in freont of my door snow? Now only that but they actually did a ding dong at the door and my stupid ass thought it was a good idea to actually open the door. Now what? 

It was me... that one guy dressed in black and another one with a collar which I would love to address as a dog.


So what now?

What am I supposed to say?

Do I say Hi?

I mean I know who they are but that doesn't make it any better....

That guy is Tomura Shigaraki and the other one goes by Kurogiri but in real life he is Oboro.

Huh.... Valerian sure did something to me...

If it would be me, then I wouldn't know about anything at all but Valerian always made me study the newest gangs around and that meant also the LOV which was a dangerous gang of villains that were actually new but also created by All for One. The last note I had on them was to never actually get even close to them and even stay miles away from their rader,..... well shit! 

I am soo on their rader cause there are right in front of my door!

In a short moment of not doing anything, I decided to actually slam the door shut before actually looking down at the floor for a second.


The doorbell rang again and I couldn't just stand there anymore. I had to do something but what? I was basically around the corner of doing a ding dong ditch at deaths door. So anyone got some suggestion cause I sure don't.

What do I do now?

What do I do?

Do I open?

Is there actually a way of not open the door?

And once again the doorbell rang but this time I actually opened the door. Now I was ready to face them but even that was a lie.

Me:  How can I help you?

Kurogiri: Izuku?

Me: Who?

Kurogiri: Are you Izuku Midoriya?

Me: I am Haru, you got the wrong door mate.

I was about to close the door on them but all of the sudden Shigaraki had to stop the door or more like disintegrate it. The moment I saw that happening, I turned around and dashed towards the bedroom because that is the only door which has 3 looks and is made out of a darn special material which would make it hard to break in. This waws the safest room so far for sure.

Me: Now what?

I was basically locked in a darn room without any way out and the window was no option.... Oh wait it was because I still had wings and I could actually glide. All I needed was to hope that no one was actually watching me while I was escaping.

Kurogiri: Bad idea.

Me: Say what now?

I swear I was about to go out through the window and herre the villain was in front of me once again. Fuck that stupid door it was for sure not made people with a darn teleportation qurik.

Me: Are you fucking serious?

Shigaraki: Shut up.

Me: Shut up? Who? Me? You just broke into MY goddamn house!

Kurogiri: We did knock and ring the doorbell. 

Shigaraki: It didn't had to be like this.

Me: Then how? You ring at my doorbell and then ask for someone I am not!

Kurogiri: I am sure we got the right person.

Me: I know who I am!

Alright, maybe I don't but I left my life behind me. I am Haru now!

There was a moment of silence where we just looked at each other as if something was about to happen but the truth was, we just didn't know what to do. They wanted me clearly and I was someone who didn't wanted to do anything with them. Now we were quite in a situation here.... the only question was what and how this would end.

Do I call 911?

Do I use my quirk?

What the hell am I supposed to do now?



What shitshow is this?

Why is my day soo adventurous today?

All I want is nothing more but rest and laziness.


A) Call 911 IZU :)

B) Beat their asses and see where it goes :D

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