C) Fight back

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The moment I got to the damn alley, I knew that there wouldn't be any other way than for me to fight Bakugo. Something I had not dared to do at all till now. There was just something about his quirk and the way he is exploding on me that kept me from actually fighting back. Of course I was cheeky sometimes but sometimes I just stayed silent and other times I was totally not cursing in my mind at all. 




What do I do?

Should I really fight Bakugo?

Is that possible?

No way...



I will get hurt anyways if I don't fight at all.

I was now standing there looking at the front which was a dead end and then turning around to charge at Bakugo. If I was already going to attack and fight back, I might as well do it properly. When I thought that, my feet already started moving before I even had a complete plan in my head. I was quirkless! How was I supposed to actually fight someone with such a destructive quirk? I had no idea but I sure was about to figure out or I would be in such a pain for sure.

As if I was running on instincts, I started running and the moment I saw Bakugo, I duck. It was crazy! I never had done something like this at all and here I was. The first blow he did was in mid air and thanks to me being up beaten each and every day, I knew he would attack with a right hook. However themoment he did that and I duck to eactually avoid it, I also decided to throw him off guard and sweept him off the floor so that he fell while I continued to sprint.

Bakugo: DEKU!

Oh how I felt the bloodlust coming from that scream but I was already out of the alley running away around another corner. I could of course hear the explosion but I had to make my way to school before worse things would happen.

Little did I know that I was not running alone as someone started joining me right next to me. I kinda was confused but when I looked to my side it seemed as if I had just joined a villain chase since the villain right next to me was no other than Stain.

Me: S..Stain?!

Stain: .... Don't play the hero kiddo.

Me: I AM NOT! I am running away!

The moment I said that, we heard some explosions and we both looked backwards to see Bakugo who was using his quirk to close up on us.

Stain: Your fella there?

Me: Yes....

Stain: What did you do?

Me: Was born quirkless.

Funny cause when I said that he stopped and I watched him just stop which made me stop to see Stain who just licked his damn sword and then attacked Bakugo. It was the best I had ever seen and I would have never thought that I would need to thank a villain but I did. I was really greatful to the point I suck down on my knees and then bowed down to the ground repeating Thank you over and over again. There were even some relieve tears that were running down my cheek.

Me: Thank you... Thank you...

Stain: You'll be late.

Me: Still thanks.

Stain: Aldera?

Me: Yeah...

Before I could say anything more, someone picked me up from the ground and was basically throwing me over the shoulder.


Ah yeah, now I knew why Stain was running away but there was something else that was bothering me. Why was he even having me on his shoulder like a damn potato bag?

Me: Ahm... Stain-Sir?

Stain: No talking.

Me: Okay.


Yeah no, he did not and I don't really get how but he actually managed to lose Ingenium and even brought me to my school before he ruffled my hair. Was this really real? Did this really just happen? A damn hero saved me while I tried to fight Bakugo for the very first time?! Huh... What are the odds for that?

I really couldn't believe that this really happened.

Me:...I... Whaaaaaaaaat?!

As I was standing there in a daze, I could hear the bell and hurried to my classroom. This was really something else. I hoped that this was not a bad omen for the day or that I had just used up all my luck. 

Now lets try to survive the rest of the day...

But did Stain really just safe me or did I just imagine this..


I am not crazy!

That was Stain right?

The hero killer Stain?!

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