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It felt as if my whole world just broke up. Someone tell me otherwise but I didn't see any reason to continue this nonsense anymore. The only reason why I was a fighter was because I wanted to help my mother. I didn't wanted her to worry about me. I wanted to be the best son she ever had and now, she was gone. There was no family, no place, no home, nothing left for me at all.

Detective: Is there any family you have left? Do you know your fathers name?

Me: No, he left when he realised that I am quirkless.

Detective: Family? Grandparents?

Me: None that I know about.

Detective: I see.... I need to inform the closest orphanage then... till then, you will be staying with me. Is that alright for you?

Me: ....

Detective: Hey, I know it's hard and that you are not really here right now but I need to you to focus right now.

Me: Ye... yes....

Detective: I will be back tomorrow to pick you up. Until we know where to place you, you will be staying with me.

Me: Okay.

Detective: Alright, I'll go and talk with the nurse now. I'll be back in a bit.

I honestly didn't actually listen to this man at all. In fact my mind was already on something completly else. 

I will for sure end up in an orphange.....

I can't go there!

That will be my death!

I know how bad the survival rate for quirkless people are there.

I don't need more pain!

I don't want this!


I can't!

I can't deal with this!

Me: Mom..... where are you..... I really need you now....

I really need you!

What do I do now?

What am I supposed to do?

I am not as strong as I was playing to be all the time....

Tears were still streaming down my face as I hugged my legs and just lied down in the bed on my side. This news was just too much for me. I hated this. I hoped that it was wrong. I wanted it to be a lie but a detective just told me the news. It was not a hero, not a nurse, not a doctor but a police officer. They wouldn't lie to me at all. They couldn't do this!

Me: .... Mom.....

Why did you had to leave me....

I can't stay alone here....

I really need you!

I want to hug you...

I want to talk to you...

I couldn't even say how much I loved you one last time....


Why did you had to leave me?

There was really nothing left for me at all anymore. Just thinking about what will happen in the future made me cry more. This uncertainty and then the fact that I was the person who I am now just thanks to my mother started to be who I am. I was fighting to be a peson and being acknowledge all my life! I was even rebelling towards anyone who was telling me how useless I am.... and now... I just felt as if my whole world was breaking appart. As if nothing made sense at all.

Why was I fighting so much?

Who was I even?

I couldn't make any sense of anything at all.

All I could do right now was cry in the bed I was laying right now.

What should I do now?

What am I supposed to do?

I am scared!

I can't go on like this!

I know I won't survive in a damn orphanage...


There was a light knock at the door but I ignored it as I continued to lay as I was right now. 

Detective: It's me again.... I brought you something....

Even though I couldn't see this man coming into the room, I could feel one of the bed ends going down. It seemed as if he sat down there and the next thing I felt was something warm. It seemed like a plushy at first since he gave it to me... or put it on my shoulders for me to grab and it was only after I actually touched it and pulled it close to me that I found out what it was.

A wamies animal. A plush toy which had a beanbag with lavender inside and it smelled nice and was also warm. This warm was exactly what I needed. Especially since I felt soo empty but at the same time it made me cry soo much more until I finally fell asleep thanks to this. The last words that I heard.... was a sorry... it was coming from the detective and a small pat on my head.

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