He has a point... !

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After a while, I really wished to be dead instead in a room together with that hero. He seemed nice which was not the problem but then again maybe that is only a facade because he also seemed homeless at the same time.

Eraserhead: Anything you wanna know?

Me: Ahm no...

I was just eyeing the hero out when he spoke up to me and it seemed as if he wanted me to ask about things. Though I didn't care. The only question I had in my mind right now was to ask about where the next whole or funeral or even window is. I would love to get this life over with and even if that meant being burried alive or cremated. Oh whelp, now I had to for sure think about things a bit more throughly.

Eraserhead: About what happened.


Soo nope!

I was not ready to hear anything about that. Nonetheless he continued to talk and each word that came out made me want to hang myself even more. It was just the way that he was talking that made me think and honestly wanted to shoot myself. No matter what he said, he was definitely gonna tell me how it was not my fault, how everything was definitely just an accident. I was not a magnet for misfortune and bla bla bla. I couldn't listen to that at all. 

Eraserhead: Kid, this was not your fault at all and if you think it is your fault then repent for this.

For some reasons I heard repent for this and ignored the rest of the whole sentence. It made me look at the hero mores seriously since he did just tell me to actually repent for this. How was I supposed to do that? I mean I was done with life and everything. What was there to repent? Was I even allowed to do that?

Eraserhead: Life even if it is hard. No... the harder it is the better. That will be your punishment.

It really got my attention, not gonna lie and it for some reason sounded as if it was logical too. I mean, I did something bad, so why shouldn't I actually go and repent for it? I needed to be punished for the life I took. 

Me: .... punishment?....

Eraserhead: Yes. Everyone has to take responsibility after all. So stop even trying to run away from them and let's take one step at a time.

Me: ....

Everything the hero said right now made sense. It was really making my mind blow. Why was I so stupid and thought that running away was better... but this feeling? It was not something I could handle! Was this the punishment he was talking about? Was this what it meant to suffer or was it something else he was talking about?

I had a feeling, I would find out sooner or later anyways. For now I kinda trusted the words of the hero. He for sure knew what he was talking about.

Me: How do you know that?

Eraserhead: Just trust me kid.

Me: ... but why?

Eraserhead: Because I am a hero and I will be your father from now on.

Me: ....

It confused me a bit but for some reasons I felt like I could trust in the words he was saying. Perhapse this was the way to go and if not, then I would find a way for sure. I could still escape this goddamn world any times if I wanted to for sure.

Me: Alright. I'll trust you... for now..

Eraserhead: That's more like it. Now how do you feel?

Me: Suffocating.

Eraserhead: The doctor I was talking to earlier said that you need another week to stay in here but after that you are good to come home with me.

Me: A week, here?

Eraserhead: Yes, your wings were badly damaged. They don't know if you will be ever able to move them much again or fly.

Me: I never knew how to fly so that's fine.

Eraserhead: .... how come?

Me: Never learned I guess.

Eraserhead: I see.

This hero was deeply thinking but at the same time I could tell that he was focusing on me the whole time. Was I an open book to read because it did feel like that. How was this hero so precise in reading my none existent thoughts and that feeling I had? How did he know that I just wanted to well... end it.... was I that obvious? Things could have been a mistake too, you know? Alright, maybe not....

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