B) - Wait and observe!

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Instead of rushing downstairs, I decided to observe the situation a bit more. The moment Eraserhead was brought downstairs was also the moment everyone got upstairs and I was left all alone on this floor, in this room. This didn't guarantee me that I would be safe at all. I was literally in the lions den and every action I took had some consequences. 


Calm down... calm down....

I chose to get here and save the hero...

I did this on my own!

So now I need to find a way out as well.

It's useless if I have him and there is no way out...

Let's think!

The area looked like a bar and there was a front door as well as windows which were nailed shut. I could tell that the building was rundown as well as old which made me think that we were at that part of the city and if I say that, I mean it was not a good part at all. This city had one part at the corner of district 3 and that one was nearly all abandoned buildings for a reason. The company who made these buildings didn't really think about sustainability and lonlivity. To make it short and simple, this house and every house in the range of it were created to last just about 10 years and not more. This was why they were all abandoned.

While I was looking around, I decided to get to the windows and have a look if there was a way to get the wood down without making a sound or put in a lot of effort. It didn't seem that way and even if I could do it, they were actually nailed shut from both sides which would make it a lot harder. So the windows were no option. Next up was the door which was quite obvious as to why. Although it was also shut, the only thing that was actually keeping it shut was the lock as well as the holders on the side. Both didn't look stable at all and so I decided that this would be my way out. One good kick and it should break down after all.


I think I have a way out.

Now let's go see where that hero was!

I need to find that man....

Now that I had a way out of this shitty situation, I decided to go downstairs to the basement. Luckily for me, no one came downstairs yet but this could change any second now for sure. I just. No matter what, I had to hurry out of here as fast as possible. This however did not meant that I was prepared for what I found downstairs. Not at all. 

The moment I got down these stairs I smelled this rotten smell of flesh. They were not doing this just now. No, by the scent lingering in the air they were doing this for a long long time now. It was just this smell of rotten flesh mixed with blood that made me freeze on the sport for a good second. Each step I took, I felt how sticky the ground was and I didn't even wanted to know any more details at all. My mind was thinking of some things that I would rather replace with just jelly and some colour and glue. 

Oh well, I made my way downstairs and saw the hero chained to the wall as I ran towards him. 

Me: I'll get you out of here.

Eraserhead: Kid? 

Me: Just give me a moment.

Eraserhead: Don't play the hero now and get out of here.

Me: Says the one who is in a lot more trouble.

Eraserhead: *sigh*

He was trying to talk to me to get me to get out of there but there was no way I would actually get out and leave the hero be all alone! I was not that heartless! He was the one after all who showed me some concern when he found me escaping Aldera. This was a bit of a lingering feel of gratitude but it was enough for me to go through with it and risk my life to get him out. Besides if I had learned one thing about being a vigilante, then that I could find allys as well as friends everywhere. After all I had Overhaul who was carrying for me and helping me out as well. Why not add a hero to the list too?

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