On my way bitch! ON MY WAY!

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Getting informations about this bitch was easy but finding him was another problem. Apparently they had him in custody because that kill and that accident. More than just my mom died. He definitely was drunk from what I had read in the report and the man was insisting not knowing anything about this shit. He said he was not at fault and that he was not himself and he must have been hit by a quirk.

Are you kidding me?

What nonsense was this shit?

Why should anyone hit a damn driver and then make them crash and be drunk?

There was no excuse for that at all. 

Since I got the information about that idiot, I also had the information about his name and address and pretty much everything about him which was noted down in the file. It was easy getting the file but now I had about a couple of police officers for sure after me. I was after all not careful to hide who I was but true villains don't care about that at all.

I had a mission and I had a job to do here... it was not my job I was complaining and of course I was to do it right since the police seemed to fail on it.

Me: Now where is he...

I was literally standing outside the door where he was kept. A police station one should think, or a prision but noooo! They have seriously put that damn villain at his own house with a damn tracker and that was it. Of course I couldn't stop myself from ding dong banging at his house door. 

Me: ... is he death?

The banging continued on and on till the man opened the door. That was when I actually went for it and grabbed his neck and chocked him. No this was not enough! My mind was not satsified with this much. No.. I.... was not satisfied with it. I wanted to see the man in pain! To burn alive! To feel what my mother felt in her last moment.

So I dropped him and then smiled sweetly before just throwing the door open and drag the confused yet stunned man. He wasn't prepared for this and that was the only reason why he was actually not fighting back. However as soon as we got to the living room he finally got to himself and I could tell that he was about to do something really really stupid. If I say stupid, I mean he was for sure about to attack me.

Me: I wouldn't do that, if I were you.

Mind you, my wings were puffed up and my featehrs were all around us. One wrong move and he was done... oh who was I kidding?! He was done anyways. When I saw how he looked at me, I felt disguated! What I was looking at right now was nothing but a pig. He needed some manners and he needed some education plus he had an open bill with me that we needed to settle.

Me: *sigh*

I sighed but... let me be frank... the only reason why I sighed and why there was no screaming or anything coming from this man was because I had fed him with one of my feather the same instant he opened his mouth. It was hot, burning hot and it was tasty to see him this much in pain. He was at first just disatisfied and tried to remove the feather but the same time he tried, I made him catch fire.

Me: How beautiful... I could watch this the whole day long...

Of course I went to the kitchen and took out whatever snacks I could find before going back to the living room and then sit there on the chair watching the man try to escape, try to run, try to stop the flames and try to scream. Nothing worked. NOTHING. The moment he realized that and the moment I saw the anxiety and fear in his eyes, I couldn't contain myself anymore.

I started laughin....


Oh and how I was laughing. This was normal at all. I enjoyed watching him wither and wrapping, tossing and turning in pain and yet realizing he was doomed. Nothing was helping and nothing would help. Just the thought alone was enough to see the pain and the helplessness in his eyes.

It was good.

It felt good.

It tasted and smelled soo sweet.

This satisfactury that I got. It was the best I could get.

I absolutely loved it.

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