An offer

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When I joined Eraserhead outside the door, I could tell that he was worried about me. I didn't need that pity at all. I never asked for it nor for his concern. Everything here was not something I wanted nor asked for. The hospital, the accident, my mothers dead... nothing! Yet it happened.... life was truly strange. 

As if these things were not enough, I was here having a hars time struggeling with my emotions. Of course I felt sad but that was not my problem right now. In fact the strongest emotion I felt was rage and anger. There was this blood lust I felt. I could probably kill someone right here and right now. This was how I truly felt. No matter what, there was no way I would tell this to the hero.

Me: I am fine.

Eraserhead: ....

In the end I only said that before starting to walk off. Trust me, the less I was talking to this hero the better. Inevitably we would certainly become enemies soon enough. For now, I needed to keep my calm and live my life as it is. Soon though... very soon, I would turn and flip the sides. All I needed was a bit more time to prepare.

Eraserhead: What do you want to do now?

Me: Hm?

Eraserhead: What do you want to do? 

Me: I don't understand what you mean.

Eraserhead: *sigh* I meant what do you want to do of your life, now. 

Me: I don't know yet.

Eraserhead: Any dreams you have?


I want revenge on every hero who hurt my mother, who didn't do their job and who are just leeching of the system. 

Tho I can't say that... now can I?

Me: I wanted to get into Ua once....

Eraserhead: What course?

Hero course but I am not gonna get there. No, I won't take it.

I don't want it!

I can't take it.

I know that I will be angry day in and day out because it will remind me about what happened....

Though UA is definitely not the best choice... 


If I want to become a villain, I need a foundation and I need a cover.

What better than a UA graduate student working in a hero agency?

Me: Gen ed course. I always wanted to help heroes out and I know being quirkless doesn't elist me for the hero course. Don't worry, I know my limits so I always wanted to work in a hero agency and assist them.



But it would be the best cover I would have!

I need to take this chance!

Eraserhead: I see....

Me: Why are you asking?

Eraserhead: Because I am willing to adopt you.

Me: You?

Eraserhead: Yes.

Me: Why would you?

Eraserhead: It will be hard for you to get adopted since you are quirkless and these orphanages are not really known to act nice towards children like you.

Me: I see....

Eraserhead: I will not force you though. If you want to live with me, then only out of our own choice.

Me: Can I think about this?

Eraserhead: Yes, don't worry about it.

When we were done with that talk, we were already back in front of my door. He escorted me inside but left me alone after ordering a nurse to get me some food. Of course I knew what he was doing. Time to think. That was what I asked him after all. This was him giving me the time to think about it. I really needed that time. My idea about life was simple but I needed time and a foundation as well as training and support. Only because I wanted to be a villain didn't mean I would give up everything and just start killing immediately. That would be stupid.

I needed training as my body was weak.

I needed money for weapons and different gadgets.

I needed education to get a job and a living.

I needed a lot and I knew that throwing everything away, would get me nothing at all.

So the more I was thinking the more alluring his offer was. A hero as a father, one that I could kill any time I saw fit and I would get trained. The most important thing was that I would get the insights on how the heroes would operate. I would get to see and analyse them. I would get time to analyse and plan everything carefully. 

For me, this sounded like a win win situation. One I would make get a good alibi and second I would get a life that would be able to support me with information, money, gadgets and all I wanted. What would I want more?

So there was no need to feel scared about this.

With that, my decision was final.

I would accept the heroes offer. 

The choice is Yours! (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now