Unbelievable Day....

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Hobo: *sigh* Explain now!

Bakugo: The fuck! Leave us alone douchebag!

Hobo: Pardon.

Bakugo: You heard me right hobo!


I am not soo sure about that part...

I mean yeah he looks like one but now looking at him again he seemed quite trained and he was fast to react as well....

I am not so sure.

Is every hobo like this?

Hobo: Is he running away from you?

Bakugo: Who the fuck said he was running. DEKU were you runing away?

Should I say yes or no?

Me: Isn't it obvious?

Hobo: So running away it is.

Bakugo: Who are you to even care about this?

Hobo: How about a pro-hero?

Bakugo: Tell that to my mom who is the mother fucking queen of england.

Me: ....



Does this mean that the hobo who is still holding me is a pro-hero.

Then again who is he?

I would know if he would be a hero...


Me: Are you an underground hero?

Hobo: Yes now you Dandelion shut up and you are coming with me.

He looked at me and didn't even care to wait for an answer at all. In fact he just decided to actually start heading towards a car and then open it and kinda abduct me. I didn't really fight at all since I was soo confused about what was going on but honestly this felt a bit weird as well as wrong. It didn't also take long for the man to throw the cat food right nect to him while he got into the car in the drivers seat. He even locked the goddamn doors.

Hobo: Alright, now talk.

Me: ... is this some kind of interrogation?

Hobo: Is it?

Me: You tell me!

Hobo: Look kid. I can tell you have bruises everywhere and I can see a bit burned skin.

Me: And?

Hobo: And?

Me: Yes, and?

Hobo: Do you not see the problem in that?

Me: Yes, I do. In fact, I reported it but you they say this is all childsplay.

Hobo: You reported it to whom?

Me: Some police officers once but also the school principal.

Hobo: *sigh* Where do you life?

Me: Why do you wanna know.

Hobo: To get you back home. At least I can make sure you get home safe for today.

Me: Aww thank you.... but no thanks. You would for sure check up on me.

Hobo: Smart kid.

Me: Now can I get out?

Hobo: *sigh* no. Let me at least get you a couple of blocks away from here.

Me: If you mean for me to escape him, forget it. We live in the same street.... well actually can you get me to a restaurant?

Hobo: Restaurant?

Me: Yeah I am about to meet with my mother and it's her birthday and all.

Hobo: Looking like that?

Me: Yeah..... I don't have a choice about that.

Hobo: Alright.

The hero finally shut up and drove to the restaurant I told him to go. What I didn't know was that the moment when he let me out, he would also give me some money as well as his card and told me to get some good clothes as well as flowers and to call him if anything happens.

It was all nice and honestly I didn't expected nor see that coming. What was for sure was that he didn't let me go saying no to it and after that even drove off. I watched the car naturally till it was gone and then went to get to the next cloth store buying me some stuff and also some lilies which my mother would enjoy. 

Finally something good happened today!

Can't believe I just met a hero!

What next?


Was this all the luck I had?

I could definitelly do something about this but this was kinda....

Oh my god.


How do you even describe this happening!

What are the odds of actually meeting a hero this way?

An underground one as well?!

This is crazy!

Needless to say when I was all done I would for sure not tell my mother about anything and enjoy the rest of the day with her. The only thing left to do for today was be happy and fake a smile to not let her see any of the wounds I had or how I was feeling but honestly I was really happy to spend some time with her again.

Me: Happy Birthday mom.

Mom: Aww thank you my little cute boy.

Me: I am not cute.

Mom: I still think your wings are! And you always will be my little baby.

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