What a turn of events

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I got back savely to Valerian only thing is the man was not around. Instead I found a damn note and what do you think I was doing? Of course I went to search for the guy. He was after all talking to me over the headpiece and now nothing. The hideout was empty and his apartment was also empty. I mean everything was as it was nothing was missing besides he himself.

Where the heck did he go?

Why isn't he here?

There was just this one question I had for him. The letter I just gave over to that damn rat was a paper filled with information but what kind of information? I was curious and even though I knew that curiosity will kill the cat, I still wanted to know. 

Though honestly I jusy had a bad feeling ever after I left Nezu.

Me: Oh great.... now I am on my own or what?

No matter where I looked, I couldn't find him and I even threw about 3 hours into that search. Yes, I was dead tired and Yes I was hungry and wanted nothing more than to rest but this was just weird.

What am I supposed to do now?

In the end I couldn't do anything besides throw myself on the couch and look at the letter. It was sealed shut and it was addressed to me.

Me: Hmmm.... do I open it?

Talking to myself might make me look crazy but right now it was the only thing that could calm my nerves down. 

Me: Fuck it..... let's open it.

Maybe Valerian did left me a note where he went and everything in this letter or this was just some kind of test. No, that man did love to make me do a lot of things but never did he test me out at all. The more I was thinking about the situation the more I started freaking out. What if something happened to the one person that was important to me? Or worse!

I just had to open up this letter and see. It may contain information, solutions and maybe even something more!

Dear Haru,

I gave you all the information I could find about your past and now it is my turn to face mine. I am sorry that I am not telling you this in person but I have to go. It's been such a while that I last saw my son and his grandchildren. They need me now more than anything else.

I am an old man after all and my work is done. I hope you will continue to be who you are and I myself will go back to my roots and finally be with them again. Oh you don't know how much I miss them especially my own son.

Haru, I know that you may not trust people that easily since you don't even know who you are but at least trust in yourself. I made sure that a very good friend knows about our secret and your past. If anything happens call this number:


Remember to take care of yourself and get some proper sleep.

This apartment is payed off and belongs to me. So don't worry about not having a home. Please take care of it.


Wow.... I was seriously dumbfounded looking at this letter.

Me: He retires?

For real?

No way!

What is that supposed to mean?

Am I on my own.... no no he did say there was a friend I could call if I ever needed help.


I want to scream right now but I am also happy for him.

At first I was kinda shocked and sad but the more I was thinking about it the more I was happy for the old man. He was really old and he did tell me he misses his family and that he hasn't seen them in years because of his vigilante persona but now that he was old, he could finally see them again. He did deserve that for sure.

Me: Don't worry.... I'll take care of everything.....

Thank god that Valerian did show me his tricks and also guided me into everything. Now all it needed was for me to make my own errors and mistakes to learn from them. I would for sure go on and continue his legacy no matter what. He was a huge helper after all and although he was not fighting anyone he was still delivering crucial information to the right people. If no one could see how much worth he was, then they are blind.

Now it was all up to me to continue that legacy and keep the city safe with insider informations.

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