One last team meeting!

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After Bakugo had told us everything about the USJ building, I had him check his classmate and how the people are acting. I wanted to know who are grouping up, who liked each other and who didn't liked each other. Reasons are pretty easy here. I mean who are you actually gonna work with together more likely in a situation that may be life threatening? 

Thankfully Kacchan provided us all the information and thanks to that I had Kurogiri who actually had a list and memorise the names and the peoples faces to get the right person to the right villain. Of course I took their quirks into consideration. I didn't wanted the wrong villain to have to fight some extra hard fights when we had soo many villains here right now who could do soo much. Needless to say that I could see all their potential and I was soo not gonna give up on them. I absolutely love quirks and so I loved working with these lots. They were well.. idiots as I liked to call them but they were not hopeless and they sure could pick up a good fight.

Twice: What are we doing here?, Fuck not again you all....

Spinner: Last meeting before tomorrow.

Toga: Yeah!

Shigaraki: Then where is that fucking burned nugget?

Me: I made him run some errands.

Compress: Errands?

Kurogiri: Are you actually replacing me now?

Me: No but Dabi knows a good person who makes weapons and I still need one in case things happen.

That moment I said that, Dabi came in and even clapped my new dagger on the table right in front of me.

Me: Thank you.

Dabi: Your welcome. It has everything you wanted.

Spinner: What?

Shigaraki: What do you mean everything?

Me: Oh I had him find someone who had a metal which doesn't melt, doesn't break easily and can smack through concrete as well as survive some electricity without letting it hit me... plus should withstand acid. Don't want it to break and everything. I want one dagger for my life.

They all looked at me as if I was insane. Alright, maybe I was insane but that was not something they were supposed to judge at all. Anyways, I liked it and I thanked Dabi again and now it was finally time to actually debate about our attack tomorrow.

Me: Everyone here and ready?

Everyone: YES, BOSS!

Me: Good. Toga, what is your job?

Toga: I have Mineta that asshole with that annoying frog girl and also that animal guy in the group and will deal with them on that ship in the flood zone

Me: Good. Twice your turn.

Twice: I have shark boy, glitter guy and that floaty bitch in the Landslide zone., I will do shit with anyone and don't care.

Me: Good good. Now you Compress.

Compress: Iwill be hiding at the entrance and make sure to get Thirteen and Eraserhead in a small marble. If I am not able to do so, I will be fighting thirteen.

Me: Yup. Spinner?

Spinner: I got that alien girl with tape guy and Kanguru man plus invisible girl. I'll handle them in the ruins.

Me: Good. Shiggy?

Shiggy: I got birdbrain, that multpiple cheater arm guy and crafting girl including that thunder idiot. I'll handle them in the moutntains.

Me: Mh. Dabi?

Dabi: I have the rest of the kids including my stupid brother at the conflagration zone.

Me: Yes and you all will have a nomu which is created to be superiour in each zone. HAndle the kids as if they were heroes. No mercy here.

Everyone: Yes Boss.

Me: Kurogiri, your turn now.

Kurogiri: I will be the one bringing us inside before the heroes are there and swoop in at the right timing and get them all to their areas.

Me: Yes. As for me, I will be in the center waiting for Eraserhead and handling All Might. We all have our ear budds and we are connected. Don't play the solo wolf and get back when it gets too much. We are stronger together instead of alone. In case someone of us gets caught, I will have Kurogiri get us all back in time. If anyone is harmed, call Kurogiri and leave the area immediately. Anything else we have to talk over again?

Everyone: No Boss.

Me: Good then for now, you can all do what you want but we are gonna be early there so don't oversleep it.

With that I left them to do what they wanted while I was walking down to the basement to train a bit more with a sandbag. I had too much energy and needed to get rid of it right now. Not only that but I was firing up my quirk a bit as well. By now, I had more than just a bit of a controll when it comes to handle my feathers and I was confident to kill All Might or in the best case scenario get him captured when he is weakened. Anyways, what will happen will happen. We all are prepared for it.

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