1 - Izuku is quirkless

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I was really happy to hear that I had a quirk but I was really curious when that quirk would come. At first it was just a note we got from that doctor but after that... I don't know how to explain it but nothing ever happened. Days went buy and if days were not enough, months started to get buy and after a year my mom decided to bring me back to the hospital.

Me: Mom... is something wrong with my quirk?

Mom: Nothing sweety.

Me: Then why are we here?

Mom: Because one little child is asking me every day when he is getting his quirk. I thought a doctor would know better.

Me: Really?

Mom: Yes.

Me: So I can ask him and he knows?

Me: Yes.

Me: Amazing!

A childs dream was to have a great quirk and the doctor once said I had wings but these wings never came. I really wished I could fly through the sky or even have a quirk that resembled a phoenix. If not that then maybe ice like wings? That sounded cool as well. I mean every quirk sounded soo nice and wings were just fluffy and looked comfortable to sleep in and just... well fluffy and soft. I really had my mind set on these fluffy wings but little did I know that my life would change from today onward.

It didn't take long for the doctor to call us in and once we got inside, this doctor started to actually do some test until we got to the X-ray part again. After that we all were sitting in the office of that doctor and he seemed a bit grim. I don't know how else to put it but I didn't mind and I was not about to judge. He may just have a horrible day, that is all.

Doctor: I'll be frank and make this short.

Mom: Yes?

Doctor: The kid is quirkless.

Mom: Pardon?

Doctor: This X-Ray shows that he has double joints right here. That is a sign of a person being quirkless. 

Mom: But... how can this be. When he was four the doctor said he was gonna have wings.

Doctor: That is what I also wanted to know because I checked his records and looked into the X-Rays again.

Mom: And?

Doctor: The doctor made an error. It was just dirt on the film. I am sorry to say this.

Mom: ..... 

Me: ....

I was flabbergasped. There was nothing I felt at that moment but sheer disappointment. Until now I thought I would have a great quirk and now that. My whole little world seemed to cave in and break. I wanted to cry but no tears came out as well. Was this really true? Was this really happening or was this all a really really bad dream. I didn't know what to think right now at all. 

In that situation, mom decided to pull me in and hug me close to her.

Mom: I am sorry... I am so sorry.

Doctor: I... I will re-edit his file and update it. If I may suggest, I would put him in some self defense classes as soon as possible. The world outside is harsh towards quirkless children and I want to see him fight and not give up easily.

Mom: I understand.

Doctor: If he ever gets hurt, please come by. Injuries are not a simple thing and even the tiniest of injury should be checked.

Mom: Alright. Thank you.

I couldn't say anything. I couldn't feel anything and I couldn't comprehend anything at all. My mom stood up after thanking this doctor and she even ushered me out of the room. Soon I was sitting in the car and I was still smiling half brokenly, no tears were coming down my face and I was looking into the sheer endless space in front of me.

Mom: Izu honey?

Me: ....

Mom: It's gonna be alright. 

Me: ...

Mom: I am here for you... I am just soo sorry.

The word seemed to carve into my brain. My mom repeated the same sentance over and over again. 

"I am sorry."

What could she be sorry about if this was not her fault. In fact... I was born this way and I knew that no one could chose their quirk at all. It kinda just happens like magic... but tell that to my broken mind... to my sad and hurting, burning and even chocking self? Tell that to the feeling in my chest that was moving and breathing nearly impossible. It just felt as if one part of me died at that moment... and I was just a little child as well.

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