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My sleep was nice but when I woke up and actually went to the PC to check if there was anything new going on, I found a message there. It was quite disturbing and it was too early for this shit.

Me: Fuck!

Of course I cursed when I saw that message on my screen but I also decided to actually get some drink before I would deal with whatever that was. I just woke up after all and the only reason why I was checking the screen was out of habit. The short time I lived together with Valerian he was always asking me about what's new and I would always wake up before him. Most of the times I was just bored and so I was just looking at the screen searching for what was new and to find out how insane the work has become. Seriously! If faking a heart attack is normal for 911 then you know how far we all dropped. Besides it was definitely something I picked up once and the reason for that call was because it was too hot and the dude didn't get any breaks.

Oh and there were also some random kids who would occasionally call 911 to get a hero autograph. That was also ridiculous but apparently normal.

This world was just simply crazy!


There was not a single normal person walking around the street. I mean sometimes I wish we were normal without any quirks. Maybe crime rates would be different not to mention the heroes who are also selfish brats.

Yes... brats!

Some heroes are really just childish and I mean Mt. Mountain specifically. That woman was not watching for any collateral damages nor does she care about others.

Anyways, I went to the kitchen to get myself a tea but soon stopped in my tracks. That darn message was not leaving my head. Yes it was too early for that but the longer I was leaving it be the more nervous I got. When would you normally find a message saying "You made an Error Haru."

Not only did it know my name but it also said I made an error. How was the computer to know that? Did it develope some super powers or was it something else. Yeah sure! As if that old PC which is basically trash knew how to have super powers or a quirk. It didn't even have feelings and yet sometimes I felt like it was annoying me on purpose. I mean it was a devilish device for sure.


I kicked the trashcan around the corner from where I was standing and dashed back to the PC sitting down and answering the note since it was actually a chatwindow. How or Who was that motherfucker who just decided to mess with me? I just had to find out!

On PC screen

You made an Error, Haru.

Who is this?

I am a friend of Valerian.


Who is this?

You do not need to worry about who I am.

Oh really? That message was definitely not something I would not worrysome.


It is because you decided to get involved personally.

I did. So what?

It's dangerous to do that.

And who are you to decide what is dangerous or not?

A good old friend who promised to watch over you.

He never mentioned something like that.

He may have and yet he also may not. 

Valerian was always a bit tricky when it came to sharing information.

I am sure you know that already Haru.

So how did I mess up.

Mess up? Oh the 911 operator has your voice now.


They can find out who you are based on the description of Miss Midnight you saved the other day.


That woman was Midnight?!!!!

Indeed and she is very thankful for the saving. 

Then she should leave me alone.

I fear that will not be possible.

Why not?

Because you have a past with Eraserhead and some other heroes. 

Can't remember any of that.

That is because of your amnesia.

Oh great! So what now?

Do not do anything for the next couple of days.

And why should I trust you?

Simple. You don't have too.


All I expect you to do is listen and decide for yourself what you will do.

And you suggest me to actually stay put?


And everything is gonna get solved like that?

Things will calm down and the heroes will not be that much on edge anymore. 

.... I will think about it.

Very well.

If you need anything just text the number you probably got from Valerian.

I am here to help you out as well.

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