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Eraserhead: Yes?

Me: *sigh* What does it look like for you?

Eraserhead: You got some serious problems.

Me: No shit sherlock. 

Eraserhead: *sigh*

Me: Whelp there you have it. Do you really need me to tell you what is going on?

Eraserhead: I want to hear it from you.

Me: Alright. Then let me tell you this. There is a rabid pomeranian of a terrorist in my class who loves to fuck my damn life up. Pardon my cursing but I had enough by now. Everyone knows about this. Every single one in here knows it and that included the teacher and the director and the whole school. Now why you think they don't do anything?

Eraserhead: Enlightne me.

Me: Because of my fucking qurik. Look at my wings! Look at them and tell me this is normal to have just some bones as wings and be called quirkless because of that. Even though I can use phyrokenisis.

Eraserhead: Sounds as if you could fight back.

Me: Oh I can. I just don't want too.

Eraserhead: Why is that?

Me: Quirk usage in public is progibited by the law exept if it can't be help. Now why should I break the damn law for something like this.

Eraserhead: It is also against the law to hurt other people and in that case you are allowed to fight back.

Me: As if someone would believe me if I said I faught back. No if anything the whole situation would have turned on me and they would tell me I was the sole reason they came out. So why again should I do that?

That hero came all the way over where I was sitting till he was standing in front of me and I could see the pity in his eyes. I knew I was right, he knew I was right as well, in fact everyone knew how fucking right I was. No matter how much I would have tried to explain myself it would have turned on me for sure.

Eraserhead: Do you have this little faith in the police or any other law inforcement person?

Me: I have this little faith in anyone who can lie to me including you. Now are we done here?

Eraserhead: No.

Me: No?

Eraserhead: IS what he said true?

Of course my teacher tried to deny it and I was so sick of it that I didn't listen to the conversation which started to come and they were in a full discussion as well till like Eraserhead all of the sudden used his quirk on the teacher and made everyone shut up. It was soo much of a screaming of lies that I was could say I was already deaf from all of it.

Eraserhead: You come with me.

Me: Me?

Eraserhead: Yes.

Me: Why?

Eraserhead: Your wounds have to be checked up.

Me: They are fine.

Eraserhead: Kid, I am trying to help you.

Me: And I never asked for help.

Eraserhead: You don't have to. I can see that you need it.

Me: Nope.

Eraserhead: *sigh*

The hero seemed to be done with me since he decided to take the teacher out of the room so he could actually scream at them for a moment before everything went silent. Meanwhile I was in my own personal hell as well.


Me: WHAT?!

Bakugo: How dare you?!

Me: DaRe WhAt?! ExPoSe YoU?

Bakugo: You fucking rat will pay for this.

Me: Oh shit!

I watched him stand up and charge at me. What did he think I would do? Stay there? NAh! Of course I was about to run and my best way of running right now was charge at the window hastly open it and dip through it.

Dang was I insane for this? Probably but I had a feeling if I would stay in the classroom for any minute longer, Bakugo would have my throat for exposing him. It would be more than bad. I would for sure even regret this. I mean I knew how hard he would come at me if he was anger and now I made him more than just angry.

Now asume you have a very old thermometer in your hand and his anger is like the redish liquit inside which would climb up.... at this moment his was soo high it managed to burst out and escape the thermometer breaking it appart. This was how bad the situation was.

Me: Oh sheesh! Gotta run now!

I was just happy my wings could carry me to the ground without any kind of incident at all.

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