A) Go with Eraserhead

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I remember chosing to go with that Underground hero and man am I regretting this for some reason. It's already been a couple of month since I've been living with this insane nocturnal hero. Maybe it was just me but he showed me what a normal life is. Thanks to him, I was earning a bit of money too. They did gave me the choice of school or not but I didn't wanted to go to hell. The idea alone was making me shiver and it was kinda really weird but the way my body reacted and how I felt when I heard the word school made me just shiver. I didn't wanted to go to school just because my gut was telling me so. Eraserhead or Aizawa who was now my adoptive father respected that and introduced me to a job. Now I was actually an helper for the police finding out informations for them over the day as well as analyse things for them.

Honestly great thing to do.

I absolutely loved it as well but!

This was really a huge but!

The moment night time arrived it was hell. Eraserhead the underground hero was taking me with him outside and since I was not a hero with a license, I was still sticking with being a vigilante. Everyone was cool with that.

Eraserhead: You need to be faster.

Me: Shut up old man.

Eraserhead: *sigh*

Sometimes it was too much and when that happened I would always start to refering to this hero an old man. Tell me not he was old since he was in a  sleeping bag nearly all the time, never really moved, didn't know how to cook or anything and was basically living out of noodle cups. Yeah, this person was a hopeless case but us together kinda worked.

Me: Where are we even going?

Eraserhead: Watching the heroes do their work.

Me: You are one yourself.

Eraserhead: An undergound one.

Me: And?

Eraserhead: This is not what I do. This is a job for some lime light heroes like Hawks, Endeavor and All Might.

Me: Are all these three there?

Eraserhead: Yes.

Me: The hell?! Where are we going?

Eraserhead: LOV base.

Me: Huh?

No, I didn't forget about the motherfuckers who actually got me a monster after me to throw me out the window and the reason why I couldn't move and use my qings for month and made me train with this hero in combat techniques which are used for basically quirkless people. Cool thing, no question there, it is just hell. Did you ever go up against a hero who was enjoying using his capture gear and get you down on the ground? No? Trust me no fun there. Besides he was enjoying this way too much and I know he would never say that out loud.


In some way I was thankfull for that since ever since that time, I was now able to actually use all kind of techniques and they were letting me run around at night and do what I was doing best! Gather some information in dangerous places and also go underground as well. When I say underground I mean I am actually hiding my own identy and fake basically everything while wearing most of the time a mask and so on and so on. I was never the same person in an organisation and it works every time.

Eraserhead: Here we are kid.

Me: You are not telling me for real that you are all about to raid the LOV?

Eraserhead: We are.

Me: Without any kind of informations?

Eraserhead: Nezu has gathered enough.

Me: ... never gonna underestimate that rat.

Eraserhead: Speak for yourself kiddo.... you can be scarier.

I heard the last part and even though it was whispered it made me snicker. I knew what he was meaning. No one could just walk into some organisations and get out with informations just like me. Talent, that's what I am gonna call it but honestly it was simply just playing an act and commiting it without making any mistakes. A performance of some sort. The easiest and quickest way to gather information as Haru.

Of course I also got my true name back but I still couldn't and don't wanted to remember the past. There was even this one time I thought about burning the paper with all my informations in it but my dad stopped me from doing that. Something about regretting it later on and leaving it be as a memory.

Oh well... whatever.

Me: ... what are we doing here?

Eraserhead: Just watch.

How I did. There were soo many heroes around the whole building. One would think that something more dangerous was taking place there with how many people were actually standing outside right now.

All Might: Pizza delivery.

Me: Did he really just say that?

Eraserhead: Yes he did.

Me: Pfff-

After that I watched them fight the LOV and take them all done one by one. It was satisfying to see these people get arrested and get what they deserve it just made me feel happy for some reason.

Eraserhead: No danger following you from now on.

Me: You mean, I don't have to report you where I will be going from now on?

Eraserhead: You still have to because you are my son.

Me: Aww man! Come on! Trust me about things.

Eraserhead: I am but I will always worry about you kid.

Me: When are you even stopping to call me kid?

Eraserhead: While we are outside, never Haru. You don't want them to know about you, now do we?

Me: Nope... and fair enough.

This meant one thing. I was a vigilante and things would never change BUT I had a hero backing me up and maybe it was even more than just one her. They had my back and it made me feek soo much better. Just knowing there was someone to count on while I was outside doing whatever hell I was doing was making thigns soo much saver and more secure in an emotional kind of sense. It didn't make me panic but actually get to work with pleasure and it was even driving me to do the best I could. After all I didn't wanted to disappoint them. The other big reason was to make it safe for my friends who were looking out for me.

So if you ever find yourself thinking you are truly alone... nope. You are never alone. I just learned that pretty obviously and they were rooting for me to go for my dreams and be who I am.

Never change!

Just be yourself!

I at least won't change anything for not even a billion or trillion reasons! Now then, it was time for me to go back to do what I do best! Make the world safer for the heroes and that was who Haru was.


A/N: Thanks guys for choosing this option and stick with me till the end! If you want to read the other options then continue sticking with me.

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