Huh... what did the hero say right now?

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So ... while I indeed thought about escaping, this lady told me something about Nezu and I knew that rat. I mean I saw him earlier and I did introduce myself as Haru to him as well. The only questions was how did this woman know that rat and what kind of relationship did they had. Then again, I did also wanted to know what that thing knew about me when we were already at it.

Me: How do you know Nezu?

Nemuri: I should be asking you that!

Me: I delivered a letter.

Nemuri: A letter?

Me: Yeah, a friend asked me to do that and I did it. Now you.

Nemuri: He is the principal of UA and I work there.

Me: So you are a hero?

Nemuri: Wait, you didn't recognise me?

Me: No, should I?

Nemuri: I am Midnight.

Me: Who?

I mean I did hear about that R-rated hero but I never had such an interrest to ask more about the hero and as such I didn't recognise nor knew more about her. She was simply not that important but... It seems that I had saved a heroes life earlier which made my mind blank.

Me: Fuck...

Nemuri: Pardon?

Me: .... I am screwed, am I not?

Nemuri: Why are you thinking that?

Me: I mean I saved a you, a hero and you all probably also know more about me than I do by now.

Nemuri: And so what?

Me: Well are you gonna let me leave back to my old life?

Nemuri: Of course not.

Me: See!

I knew that from the beginning. It was soo clear that she was not about to leave me to get back to the apartment with the LOV after me and a hero who had to safe my life. Then again, I may as well be a target for heroes by now as well. They knew something about me and I didn't care about what it was. I didn't wanted to know about my past. I might have this amnesia for a good reason and I would never find that out or basically after it is too late!

There was this feeling which was wanring me about it. It was basically a bad feeling but each time when I was thinking about opening that envelope with the information about my past, I feel like I would regret it. For now I was happy being who I am. Was it really worth to actually throw what I have right now away?


Definitely not.

Nemuri: Are you okay?

Me: Huh? What?

Nemuri: You spaced out for a second.

Me: Sorry.

Nemuri: What were you thinking about?

Me: My past...

Nemuri: Don't worry about it. You will remember things eventually.

Me: What if I don't want too?

Nemuri: Then you don't have too.

Me: Really?

Nemuri: Mh.

That kinda made me smile since this hero was so kind and told me that. I knew that what she said was not really right but then again, who were others to tell me what to do and what not? If I wanted to actually stay and be who I am then no one could do anything to me at all.

Nemuri: But there is this one small problem we have.

Me: And that would be?

Nemuri: I am sure Nezu is coming over soon.

The moment she said that, the door actually opened and Nezu was walking into the room well more like sitting on someones shoulder as they walked in. He then soon jumped down and climbed onto the bed to sit right in front of me.

Nezu: Pleasure to see you again Haru.

Me: Can't really say likewise.

Nezu: That back there is Eraserhead and over there is Midnight.

Me: ....

Nezu: Now how are you feeling?

Me: Good.

Nezu: What about the pain?

Me: I don't feel any.

Nezu: I am glad the painreliever do work wonders.

Me: Mh....

Nezu: I am sure you are confused about some things and I am here to actually solve some and give you a choice as well. I did promise my old time friend Valerian to take care of you which I will.

So they do know each other!

Nezu: Since the LOV is now after you, I only see two choices here. 

Me: So I have to choose one.

Nezu: Exactly.

Me: Then what are my choices?

Nezu: That over there is one of the choices.

He looked towards the two heroes and then back at me. What he was basically saying was that I could decide and be with them which was very clear since I would need protection but what was the other choice?

Nezu: Now then you may stay with one of the hero for the rest of your life and be their son.

Me: Or?

Nezu: You stick with being a vigilante like Valerian and do your think. However you would get proper training from heroes so nothing would go wrong this time and of course we will take care about the villain group together.

Quite the heavy choices there were. This was definitely something I should have chosen wisely but I simply went with what my guts told me.

A/N: Choices time again!

A) Go with Eraserhead

B) Go with Nemuri

C) Stick with being a Vigilante!

The choice is Yours! (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now