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I really hated this bin soo much that when I finally could open up the lid of it and smell the fresh air I felt soo much better than before. 

Me: *sigh* stupid Dandelion!

Why did you had to actually made me go into a bin?

And today as well!!

Don't you know what today is?

I am pretty sure you do!

You used to come over with you mom as well...

Ah just screw you for this!

Now I am smelling like garbage!

Oh wow...

I can now not only feel like it in school but also related to it more than on one level...

Thank you so much!

Mind the damn sarcasm... I would believe myself.

I should definitelly stop talking with myself in my head.

Ah who cares!

As long as no one can hear me.

Oh how little did I know what I did. I mean I for sure didn't expect two person to just stand there by the street and then looking at me because of the sudden noise I made rushing to open the lid of the bin. Of course I didn't see them at all and struggeled to get out of there. It was only after I saw a hand and heard a voice that it hit me.

???: Need some help?

Where did you come from!!!

Did I just say this out loud?



Thank god.

Who is that?

Should I take his hand?

I mean I do need help... this is kinda high and I can't really fly at all.

Better not.

I will get him dirty.

Me: ahm... no thanks.

That was such a huge lie. I struggeled jumping into this huge bin and now I should just jump out without hurting myself? HOW!!! It was not that easy but I had my reason of refusing and it was quite simple. This man in a coat and that other guy with a cat head looked at me a bit weird and sus. Besides I didn't wanted to get them dirty so I would rather refuse then get beaten up the moment they see my wings. 

They were after all still tucked to myself but I hated to do that so I would let them stick out usually.

???: Kiddo, that is such an obvious lie. Now take my hand.

How did you know...

I mean...

Was I this obvious?

Alright... ama take you up then.

???: Why are you inside there, nya?

Can I ignore this question...


Let's do that.

Me: Thanks.

He helped me out of the bin and I was really thankfull for that. I mean as unusal as this is, no one really needed to take any care about me. However I could literaly face palm myself because the whole time I didn't paid the cat guy any attention. It was only when I got out of that bin that I could see that he was wearing a uniform and not any kind of uniform he was a police officer.

Me: Shit....

The moment I realized that, I dunno why but I felt like running away and that was what I started to do if not for that other guy to grab the back of my uniforms collar and hold me back.

???: Not so fast kiddo. Why were you in there?

Me: Why not?

???: Because that is not normal.

Me: Soo? What's your point? Am I not allowed to do that?

???: We can do this here or I am taking you to the police station with me.

Me: Wait, you are a police officer too?

Cat police officer: Detective, nya!

Me: ....

Detective: Now care to explain?

Me: I threw something away and then remembered that I needed it so I went inside to find it.

Detective: And you are lying to me.

Me: No I am not.

Detective: Kid, I am not dumb. I have a truth telling quirk.

Me: And?

Detective: That means I know when you are lying.

Me: .... right....

Detetcive: So what happened?

Me: I was hiding.

Detective: From who?

Me: Bullies.

Detective: Why?

Me: Just look at me!

Detetcive: *sigh* I will let this one go just this time. Don't let me see or find you in a bin ever again.

Me: Got it.

The moment he said that he let me go and I looked around to see thw two officers before I bowed deeply to them. I was honestly on my way to turn around if not for that one last question coming from the detective.

Detective: A student from Alderia juniour high huh?

Me: Yes.

And with that I bowed again and started to run towards the school. I was for sure running later but who cares. I mean I needed to go there before they call my mom and I didn't wanted to get the one person who takes care of me to get in trouble at all. Why would I after all? That didn't made any sense. She was supporting me, giving me food and also a place to stay. I did hear about how people had it a lot worse than me and it was not even my fault that I was born with this quirk. 

Still I thought the green feathery flames were quite cute. 

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