Let's prepare everything!

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I really couldn't wait till the end of the day. However, I had to simply wait since I really couldn't just leave at my workplace early. Maybe I could but I didn't wanted to look suspicious. Besides I also needed to buy a couple of groceries on my way back. I did had all I needed for the bombs at home and I had all night to create them. Let's ignore the pure fact that I actually would be tired as fuck but who cares! It would at least be worth it.

Now imagine what I did that night....

Yes I created all packes but the real drama began when I had to send them all over different places. First off, I could drop them there myeslf but if I would do that, then I would actually risk of getting exposed. Then again if I would buy a label online and then put it in one of these selfservice desks for shipment, they would also have me on camera and my name for the labels. I needed a different method than this. 

What do I do?

Should I as someone?

Or should I just walk to a building and drop them off....

I can't just expose myself...

How about planting it in a hero agency?

I do work in one and should be able to walk into one...

But they will be able to see my face then...

not an option!

I don't want to get caught while waiting for this long!

In the end I decided to actually get dressed in all black then walk around with a damn backpack and a cusion to make it seem like I had a huge stomach. I also was wearing shoes which were smaller than I wear in case I would leave any traces behind. For the record, I also used hairdy to make my hair look white. I mean this was the best I could do to disguise myself. Not that I was not wearing a hat and some mask as well. Anyways, I went outside place it at some random places that didn't had a chamera and then went my way back home while slowly discarding some stuff so that no one would think it would be me. 

Once I was at a random place with a telephone cell, I decided to call 911. Of course I had some voice changer with me to make my voice sound lighter and more childish.

911: 9 1 1 What's your ermergancy?

Me: There is a bloody box laying around.

911: A bloody box?

Me: Yes it's not that big but there is a lot of blood around it.

Only that the blood is actually just red paing but good red paint....

heroes shouldn't be fooled but with a child freaking out about it...

Hmm... I think there will be someone who opens it.

911: Is someone around you?

Me: No, I am on my way home.

911: Where are you currently?

Me: I am a few streets away since my phone died.

911: Then where did you see it?

Me: ahm... I think it was calld **** street. I know it is like 4 streets away from here.

911: Alright. I am sending someone over to check it out. Have you seen anything else there?

Me: There was a suspicious person lurking around cursing.

Not wrong...

I am suspicious but I didn't curse.

Well I will be if no one dies from this.

Too bad I won't be able to actually hear anything aboout this....

Well too bad.

911: Alright, I am giving these information further.

Me: Will there be a hero?

911: Yes.

Me: Can I get an autograph from them if I go back?

911: For your safety reasons, please go home.

Me: But!

911: Your parents must be worried. Just go home kid.

Me: Ah you're right.

911: Have a good evening.

Me: Likewise.

With that my first call was done. Now all I had to do was repeat this with a differen voice. I think a girls voice should be good for the next one. Then after that, I should try an old mans voice as well. This was one foolproof plan. The only thing that I was concerned at was that they might have a couple of more heroes around inspecting alleys now and I had to be careful not to be caught but other than that, nothing should stop me at all. Of course I had about 5 bombs to place all around the city. When I was done it was already quite the morning and I didn't had a lot of time to get to the meet up with my father. So I had to quickly jump into a training center and do some workouts  before using the showers and get rid of my disguise. No one would actually recognize what was going on. There were soo many people and besides that, I had just done the best I could do in the least amount of time to get my name spread out there. 

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