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I really hoped that the next day was a lot better but someone explain to me why I was sitting in a classroom where there was a hobo in front of the class. Not only that but it was the same damn hobo I kinda tackled or suprised or whatever you want to call it from yesterda. Just looking at him, I could tell what was going on. He was here because of me and my dear Kacchan. Tho honestly I wasn't in the mood for it.

Teacher: Good morning everyone. Welcome to another class and today we have a special guest as well.

You know what....

Just screw the good morning.

What on this morning is good with him there?

There was a million of reasons for me to say this morning was soo not a good morning but whatever. I couldn't really complain since I was that guy with the wings and a villainous quirk. Well whatever. Not my fault that my wings didn't had feathers or that they were actual green flames.

Anyways as I was sitting there trying to basically be one with my chair and my desk, this damn hero didn't stop looking at me.

Teacher: Please introduce yourself. 

Hero: *sigh* I am pro-hero Eraserhead.

Teacher: I am sure none of you will know this guy but he is an underground hero and he is here to talk about quirks today.

Oh no....


He definitely is here because of the beating yesterday.


Who would have thought that he would come back.

Eraserhead: I am sure you all know what a hero is but heroes are not always limelight heroes like All Might. There are also heroes like me who work underground and away from peoples eyes.

Someone in front of me raised his hand up so he could ask the hero a question. Of course he wasn't getting ignroed at all.

Kid in front: What's your quirk?

Eraserhead: It's called Erasure.

Other kid: What does it do?

Me and Bakugo already knew that and so when the hero used his quirk, that kid started crying and the other seemed shocked about the floating hair and the red eyes. Well honestly if you watched too many movies like me, you will say he comes straight from hell and is a demon or possessed. Tho I knew better than that and didn't dare to say anything.

Eraserhead: As you can see. My quirk is labeled in the society as villainous. However I am still a pro-hero. Today we will also talk about quirks and why they are thought about villainous or heroic.


You just here because your damn conscious told you, you have to do something about this.


I really wanna curse soo badly but mom told me never to curse out loud but to forsake and summon a damn devil in my thoughts to kill them...

Me: *sigh*

Eraserhead: Let's start with a question. Why do you see quirks villainous or heroic?

Kid 1: Cause they are cool and powerful!

Kid 4: Cause they can break stuff easily.

Kid 7: Because if they can controll people it's villainous.

Eraserhead: Now let me ask you something else. If you had a fire quirk like Endeavor is it heroic or villainous?

Kid 4: Heroic.

Kid 9: He is soo cool. Definitelly heroic.

Me: Villainous.

Eraserhead: You greeny, why did you say villainous?

Me: Because of the damage he does despite how many he saves. The collateral damage is just very high, he isn't careful using it. Besides Sir, a quirk isn't heroic or villainous it's the user who makes it this way.

Eraserhead: Very good.

This hero seemed pleased with my answer but everyone else didn't so he repeated what I said once more with another example. This time he used Hawks who was fast and saving people but he could use his feathers to kill everyone as well. He would undoubtedly be a terrific villain. To top this example off he also made All Might a villain and at this point everyone got the point. 

Eraserhead: Now who knows about the law that states that quirk usage outside of your own home is prohibited? Hands up who knows it.

Everyone raised their hands and this hobo started to walk around the row but for some reason he started coming closer to me.

Eraserhead: No everyone put your hands down if your quirk is flashy and would fall under the category of limelight or powerful.

Half of the hands went down.

Eraserhead: People with mental quirks who never heard anyone say something bad about their quirk, hands down.

4 Hands went down and now there were 16 up and mine was up as well.

Eraserhead: People who have a mutant quirk and never head anything against their quirk, hands down.

5 more hands went down.

Eraserhead: Now hands down if you think that everything is normal in your life and how people treat you and see your quirk as.

Now this was the question which actually got all the hands down except 3.

Eraserhead: You with the blond hair. Why do you think that it's not normal?

Kid: Because no matter how many times I say my quirk has a passive drawback and everyone thinks I am doing it on purpose.

Eraserhead: What's your quirk?

Kid: I can store energy and release it as well, like a battery and it's also called Charge. Thanks to that if people touche me, they get zapped.

Eraserhead: I see how this can get you in troubles however in this case you should make sure you have something close by which gets you back to the normal potential so that you can't zapp people.

Kid: Huh... that might work...

Eraserhead: Now your turn girl.

Girl: Well I don't like people judging me for my green skin. They always make fun of me and it's not my fault.

Eraserhead: Quirk?

Girl: Photosynthesis. I never run out of energy as long as I am exposed to the sun also don't need to eat when I get enough sunlight.

Eraserhead: Not a bad quirk.

Girl: Thanks.

Eraserhead: Unfortunately you can't change people and from experience they like to talk a lot. Now your turn greeny.

Me: Ahm....

Do I really have to?

Your Choice:

A) Answer truthfully

B) Make a lie or an excuse

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