Shocking truth!

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He was sighing pretty heavily but god damn I really didn't expct him to go on pick me up from the ground and then fly to Endeavors agency and just put me back on the ground after he walked passed Endeavor to the infirmary section. Endeavor even questioned Hawks before he also got a glimps on my wounds in the infirmary. After that... well there was no after that since I was still sitting here.

Endeavor: Where did you find him?

Hawks: On the streets duhh~

Endeavor: I sometimes want to burn your feathers.

Hawks: He already did that.

Endeavor: ...

Hawks: Don't look at me. or did you think his wings were like this because they got hurt?

Endeavor: Look that way.

Hawks: Kid, do it.

Me: No.

Hawks: Just do it.

Me: And why should I?

Hawks: Because we are heroes and here to help you and he will send you to a hospital thinking your wings got ruined.

That indeed sounded worse than what I had. If things would get to that, then it probably would have an outcoming where my mother would be there and I didn't need that at all. Tho honestly the school probably already called my mom to tell her how badly I fucked up and ran away from it which means I will get even bigger questions and troubles at home. 

When my mind jumped to that conclusion, I decided to follow the heroes and use my quirk to the fullest making my wings become full of burning green feathers.

Endeavor: Wow... Do you know how to controll them?

Me: Yes, why?

Endeavor: Show me.

I released all the feathers and made them fly around in the room to point at the heroes a bit more threatening and dangerously. Maybe I shouldn't do that but I was kinda in a mood before making them all vanish up into ashes and thin air.

Hawks: See!

Endeavor: I get why you brought him here.

Hawks: No, you don't! He is hurt!

Endeavor: I am not blind. I can also smell the blood stench coming from him.


Blood stench?

Do I smell this badly?

 Looking at these heroes in a confused maner, they just decided to smile at me before walking a bit away and let the healer do his job. That however included me stripping in front of them. I hated that part especially but there was nothing I could do about it since honestly I didn't even see all the cuts I had on me from who knows where. I had a vague feeling it came from how I ran through the park to get rid of the hero and through some thorny bushes. BUT I didn't quite feel the pain at all. That was another point for the healer to look at me more grim.

Healer: Kiddo, I want you to tell me when you feel pain, alright?

Me: Sure....

Dunno what this healer was up to exactly but he kinda went to the other side of the room to get something from a drawer before he came back and showed me some syringes. Right after that he injected the liquid inside from it into my system and looked at my reactions. Hawks and Endeavor were also around him when he took these things out. The healer also had like 2 sets of boxes with syringes. One was like colourless and the other one had colors. The ones without colors were the ones he started injecting one by one. 

I didn't feel any pain until he got to the 7th of then I only felt just a bit.

Me: It hurts a bit. 

Healer: On a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 you think it is unbearable where would it be?

Me: More like stinging like a small cut.

When I said that, I heard a gasp I looked at the heroes and that one gasp was not from Hawks, no it was Endeavor but Hawks did look at me with even more sharper eyes and a stern look. Yeah I knew my pain tolerance was high but was it really this bad?

Healer: Alright this should do it.

Just like that he took out the orange colored syringe and gave it to me before the pain went away.

Healer: Would you excuse me a bit?

Me: Can I put my stuff on?

Healer: No. I still want to put some oinment on your burises since I can't heal them or your scars.

Me: Alright...

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