I might try this out!

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A couple of days later and my mind still didn't let me be. My little mind was uring me to actually talk with my father, well adoptive one. He was always there for me, well for the time I knew him and he did offer me to be something. I thought, I could take it up and try it out. Something about the talk and everything made me just think. He definitely was right that my mom wouldn't want me to stay like this. I wanted to end it but now my mind was telling me to try to actually give it a try. Until recently I didn't think that someone would be there and would be sad after my death but this detective was different. He didn't do much but it was exactly that, that made me feel so at home. The time he gave me to think and the freedom was just enough to say he wouldn't care but then he would always try to be close and there for me if I would need him. 

So, I decided that maybe today should be the day I needed to talk with him. He was waiting for this and I knew it. 

Me: Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?

Father: Of course, buddy. What's on your mind?

Me: Well, you know how you brought me to your job the other day... and how we were talking?

Father: Yeah,how can I not. Wanna come with me again? The guys are pestering me to bring you with me again.

Me: They are?... well... anyways...I've been thinking.....

I was watching him closely to see how he would react but all I could see was him being genuinely surprised and pleased and happy and I think intruiged? He was definitely welcoming this talk. It was needed for sure.

Father: Really? Let me guess, you wanna try it out? But what makes you want to be a detective or do you want to be a police officer instead?

He hit the nail on the head. I think he already planned all this just by seeing my notebooks but who knows. If he did, then fair play for sure. No matter what, he picked my interested and that was enough to make me want to try it out. I was always a peson who was easily captured and try things out. My mom knew this and it was thanks to that, that she encouraged me to become a hero but that was not my path in life for sure.

Me: I don't know, Dad. I guess I just admire the way you work and what you shoved me...  solve problems, help people, and make things right. It seems like such an exciting and meaningful job and close enough to what my mom would want me to do.. she was the one who encouraged me to be a hero despite being quirkless.

Father: It definitely can be, but it's also challenging and sometimes dangerous. Are you sure you're up for it?

Me: I think so, Dad. I know it won't be easy, but I want to give it a shot. I want to make a difference, just like you do.

He seemed proud but it took him a bit to realise that I called him dad. I could see the change in his face when he realized that.

Father: Did you just call me dad?

Me: Yes....

Father: I... I...It...I mean...Hearing you say that means a lot to me! I won't let you down and I will be the best father you can imagine. AND Being a detective is a tough job, but it's also incredibly rewarding. If that's what you really want, then I'll support you every step of the way.

Me: Thanks, Dad. I knew I could count on you.

Father: You're welcome, Izu. Now, if you're serious about this, we'll need to start your detective training right away. It'll be a lot of hard work, but I have a feeling you're up for the challenge.

Me: Mh...., Dad. I'm ready ... I think

Father: That's the spirit! Together, we'll make a great team and don't worry, you have all the time you need to learn. I am here for you.

Me: Yeah, Dad. Thanks.

This definitely surprised me but I has this warm feeling in my chest that was telling me that this was the right way. Yeah... this was really what I wanted to do. If I would stay at this path, who knows but for now, it felt just right for me.

Besides my father was definitely there for me. Now all I had to do was try my best and let everything just come at me. I might not be as strong of a person like my father but he was there for me and he was willing to help me out. So I was willingly giving it a try after thinking quite a lot about it. My mom would be proud of me when I would become a detective. I know I can do something good with it and not only that but I would definitely make a difference and try that people won't end up like me.

It was worth a try.

Who needs heroes if there are police officers and detectives doing their job right, right?

That was at least how I was seeing the world now.


A/N: This is the end of the suicidal route and with that the end of every route is now available!!! Go read whatever ending you want and whatever choice you are intersted int. 

Let me know if I should do something like this again in the future as well.

Thanks for reading this long long story... or short depending on how many choices you read. Thanks for always sticking with the updates if you are here from the beginning if not I hope you enjoyed it :) anyways.

Maybe I will see you gem in another story in mine, till then all the best to all of you!!!

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