A) Tell them your dream!

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Was this really a good idea? Who knows! Maybe not telling them would be better but I somehow couldn't find it in myself to lie to the people who were more or less my saviours. Villain or not, these people were humans as well and lying was bad. My mom and I would never ly to each other. Of course there were times where the truth would hurt but it was still better than just to try and avoid it completly.

Me: I... I do have a dream..

Hari: Really?

Kai: Let's hear it. No need to be afraid of anything.

Me: ...It's ridiculous though and I know it is a pipe dream.

Hari: Who told you that?

Me: Well everyone would say that and I know that they are right as well.... what am I even supposed to do when I end up fullfilling my dream? 

Kai: A dream is a dream. If you want to pursue it then do it.

Me: Well... that's the thing. I don't know anymore.

Hari: Alright, now I am even more curious. What is it?

Me: I always kinda wanted to be a hero.... I know cliché but I couldn't help myself. 

Hari: Cliché yes but you know, a dream is still a dream. Why not go for it?

Me: Because I am quirkless and no hero school would accept me at all.

Kai: You can't know that unless you try and even then you can still go for being a vigilante.

Me: You're right.... but...

Wait a moment... it took me a bit to realize that he just mentioned the word vigilante. To tell the truth, I didn't really know about them that much. Yes they existed but what are they and how would one deal with becoming one? It was not as if I could just say I am one and then run around the city for sure.

Just the word alone made me curious to know more about it but there was another thing that I was curious about.

Hari: But?

Me: There is always an entrance exam and I am in no condition to participate.

Hari: We can help, right Kai.

Kai: Of course. If this is what you want, then we will support it.

Me: Why though... am I not a complete stranger to you?

Kai: *sigh* can you for once stop double questioning intentions.

Me: Sorry.

Hari: Well we kinda took you in as one of ours.... and it feels wrong just abandoning you know....

Kai: The hell are you saying? He is one of us and as such he should be treated with respect.

Hari: I know. That is what I just said! We just simply took you into our hearts already. Just deal with it.

Me: ....

Yeah, I definitely was not able to understand a thing they were saying at all. Perhapse it was just the way they were actually talking to each other it was the pure fact that it was not really rational and logical for me to understand this. In my point of view, I was a total stranger and had nothing to do with them. If they were sorry about what happened to my mom, then they already did more than just enough for us. This was now definitely not repayment of what happened. This was something else and I couldn't understand it at all.

Hari: Anyways, what school did you wanted to get in?

Me: UA.

Kai: They have the hardest entrance exam..... and a lot time till it really happens. Enough time to get you fit for it.

Me: I..I am not sure if I want to be a UA student anymore though.

Hari: Huh, why?

Me: Well, I don't want to get you two into troubles.... 

Kai: Don't worry about us.

Hari: Yeah! We can deal with shit on our own.

Me: I do have a question though.

Kai: Hm?

Me: What's a vigilante?

Hari: Did you never hear about a vigilante or the vigilante's running around?

Me: Not really, no.

I was seriously curious about this topic. It was hard to find some good evidences and news about vigilantes. Sometimes, I was even forgetting that they were existing too. Like it is as if the news and everyone else wants you to just know about Villains and Heroes and nothing more. So getting to know a bit more about this society was quite interesting. Plus for some reasons, I was starting to get really into this talk and wanted to know a lot more about everything.

Hari: Alright, you want to tell him or should I?

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