A) Go after a Kamui Wood

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There was one hero, I really truly hated and that was Kamui Wood. That damn bastard was after all the reason that my mother died. If he had saved us in time and not do some stupid shit like watching and threating over his quirk not being suitable then nothing of this sort would have happened. He was simply put a fake her.

Good that I knew exactly where the man lives as well as all the information about his private life, his quirk, his fighting style. I knew basically everything about the hero to the point I was sure I knew more about him than the person itself. 

Once I had my target, I decided to get over to the mans house of course fully prepared to kill him. In fact, it was quite easy. What would a hero do if there was a kid saying delivery, looking like a delivery guy and holding a gun? He wouldn't even see the gun and when I am done with him, he would certainly not be able to do anything anymore. I knew that my plan was not as villainous and grand as people would think but then again, for the first kill this was quite nice. 

Besides that I also had a calling card which I was about to make my personal signiture whenever I would kill someone.

Alright, I got everything I need.

Good that I was part timing for a delivery company once and now everything in and out....

Still have the clothes as well.... 

Aizawa really helped me out big times here.

No one will ever suspect that the kid that a hero adopted a couple of years ago would be the killer.... no THE serial killer for heroes around this city.

I made my way to the heroes address and ran the bell once I was in front of the house. It was already late but not that late for the hero to have gone sleep for sure. 

Kamui: Who's there?

Me: Delivery service.

There was a reason why I didn't mention what delivery service since I didn't know if he had ordered something or not. I could just hope that he would open up the door so we would face each other. Everything went according to plan and when Kamui opened the door, he looked confused when he saw me. Yes, I was short and a lot of people would actually think I am younger than I am but no need to judge me for it.

Me: Special delivery for you.

Kamui: I haven't ordered anything.

Me: Oh but this is ******** street, right?

Kamui: Yes, the address seemed to be right.

I showed him some papers so he could open the door more and that was when I decided to finally strike. He had let his guard down by a young and inexperienced delivery guy and that was about to be his last fatal decision that he made. Before the hero could comprehend what was going on, I already pulled the trigger to the gun. No sound, no fight, no nothing, except this hero looking at me and then at his stomach. Another shot and he started to tumble backwards. I knew that I had hit him in the right spot the second time but still I couldn't just leave it be and so I went closer to the now open door and removed the bag I had leaned above the gun and my hand to reveal it and shot the hero right between his eyes before throwing the card at him and then closing the door.

Me: Ohhh you're right... I did get the wrong address. Sorry for disturbing you and sleep tightly for all eternity.

For some reasons this felt right and I thought I would feel scared or disgusted but I this felt good. Once done, I was careful to actually walk to a part without any cameras and then discard and burn the uniform. I knew this city and the system thanks to Eraserhead. Honestly I really should thank him tomorrow for teaching me soo much.

I was for sure about to get away with murdering a hero because no one could see anything that could distinguish me from any other delivery guy. I had a cap that was covering my fluffy hair, I had a mask on since most delivery drivers would have them nowadays and I had the full fledged uniform as well. As far as the company new, I had returned the clothes back but no one knew that I actually made someone make a complete replica from it at the black market. In short, there was nothing left behind to backtrack me at all.

A perfect little crime for sure.

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