A) Talk to the detective about how you feel

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He seemed honest with me that I felt like I had to share a bit as well. Still I didn't trusted the man that much yet. Then again, I would problaby had to talk about this sooner and later and by now I felt like he could understand me better than anyone else. Was it weird for me to feel this way? I don't know but I kinda wanted to get some things off my soul too.

Me: I... I don't know... I...*sigh* life is just hard.

Tsukauchi: I know exactly what you mean. It never gonna get better though.

Me: Really?

Tsukauchi: Yes. Look life is like a rollercoaster and I hate heights as well as the speed of it but I can't stop it. 

Me: ....

Tsukauchi: But it also has soo much to offer. 

Me: Really?

Tsukauchi: Yes. Without everything what happened, I wouldn't have you here right now.

Me: But I am just troubling you.

Tsukauchi: Who said that?

Me: I am. I am useless.

Tsukauchi: You are not.

Me: I AM! I am quirkless. I can't do anything right!

Tsukacuhi: Did you even try?

Me: I.. of course I did!

Tsukauchi: Then that is all that counts.

Me: What?

Tsukauchi: We all have our stregth and weaknesses somewhere. Even you. 

Me: But... I .... I can't do anything right. Whatever I touch, whatever I do.... even my whole damn life itself is actually just meaningless. 

Tsukauchi: That is not true.

Me: It IS! Look what happened to my mom! If I wouldn't be here then things wouldn't have ended up like that.

Tsukauchi: Did you drove that car hitting you?

Me: No.

Tsukauchi: Did you know the person who was driving?

Me: No.

Tsukauchi: Did you hire someone?

Me: No, why the hell would I do that?

By now I was already so shocked that I was looking at him questioning the man in front of me. There was probably a reason for him to ask me all this but for now, I couldn't understand it at all. Why should I after all do something like this?

Tsukauchi: Then there is nothing, you could have done there.

Me: I could have refused! I could have seen the car earlier.

Tsukauchi: You said it yourself. You are quirkless and even then, a future related quirk is more than just rare.

Me: I know but still!

Tsukauchi: I know you feel guilty but if you want to blame someone blame the heroes in charge who were rescuing all the people on side to fail so miserable.

Me: .... I... 

Tsukauchi: You are a child, not trained, just normal. What could you have done to save someone?

He was right. He was absolutely right and the thing is... this made soo much sense that my brain was actually accepting this. I don't get this at all. It made me feel angry and I think the detective realized it as well because he hugged me in the next moment.

Me: Can I put a complain about all this? 

Tsukauchi: I wish... 

Me: *sigh*

Well there you have it. A small talk that definitelly shouldn't have ended like this at all. 

Me: You know... it feels soo meaningless....

Tsukauchi: Maybe for you but others might see it differently.

Me: Really?

Tsukauchi: Yeah.

Me: How come?

Tsukauchi: Hmmm let's see. What do you think about an ice cream?

Me: At the moment.... nothing much. 

Tsukauchi: How do you think I will be thinking about it?

Me: Differently?

Tsukauchi: MH. I am not a sweet guy so I would always decline but I would accept it and enjoy it in company because it taste different. I can forget about the sweetness if I talk with people.

Me: So you say it is not meaningless?

Tsukauchi: I would say no. Never because you know what? No matter what you do, you remember it and the people around you will notice or not or care and offer their help. Each person is different so don't expect all to be the same.

Me: Huh....

Tsukauchi: But hey, what do I know.

Me: Thanks.

Tsukauchi: For what?

Me: Talking... I feel better now.

Tsukauchi: Your welcome.

I really didn't give him much about my past and everything but it was enough to tell him how I felt about everything. For now, I could see his point but just a minute ago, I would have said that everything and I mean EVERYTHING is useless and meaningless but now... I wasn't so sure what I should think anymore.

There was just something that made sense.... I couldn't describe it but my brain could comprehend what he meant and I think he wanted to tell me that he cared a lot and that no matter what I did, he would back me up but that could also be my imagination. I kinda decided to find it out and just observe for now. 

Still, nothing changed, he did make me rethink things and I definitely didn't feel as lost anymore than before.

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