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I really didn't know that the hero would go all out when I asked him to train me. It were the most brutal 3 years of my life! Not only did I get into UA and the gen ed course but I also had soo many different material art classes that I sometimes wished I would break my neck at one on an accident and leave everything be. The only reason why I kept going on and on and on was honestly just for revenge. I wanted revenge on the heroes! I wanted to pay them back for being incompetent and after 3 years, I was ready for it.

Over the course of the 3 years, I made sure to brefriend someone from the support course. Her name was Mei and she was a genius when it came to creating support weapons and gadgets and all that shit. The only big problem was that she was actually insane! Like seriously! How many times did it nearly killed me to try out one of her new inventions and how many times did I wanted to throw it at her?

Too many to count.

However thanks to her, I now had a full set of weapons and gadgets I could use for my huge villain depute. The costume was something I designed and created and the mask was simply a toy I took and just upgraded with some voice changer. I was a genius to have come up with this plan. It might have been a slow one but it was the safest way.

Eraserhead: Are you sure you want to move out?

Me: Yes dad. I told you, I found a nice small apartment and thanks to Shoto in your class, I also have a job at the hero agency.

Eraserhead: *sigh* It's just too early for this.

Me: It's not! I just want to stand on my own and support myself. I appreciate everything you did for me but you one point, I have to do this.

Eraserhead: This soon tho?

Me: I'll visit you every day in the morning or in the evening. How does that sound.

Eraserhead: Deal. Be there in the cafe each moring. My treat.

Me: Alright.

I also had to say that after 3 years being together with this hero, he kinda started getting attached to me. Same goes the other way around of course as well. I felt happy being around with him and what he doesn't know is that whenever he was in danger.... I was actually already around every now and then and got him out of it. He was training me after all and that meant that I did pick up how to sneak around and how to conceal my presence to a point where the underground hero himself couldn't know that I am there. Of course I never showed it to him but I was thankful. Never would I ever forget about what he had done for me.

Eraserhead: Need any help moving out?

Me: I got this. Don't worry.

Eraserhead: Should I talk to Endeavor before-

Me: Dad! I am not a child anymore. I can do this.

Eraserhead: I know this but I want to make sure that you are doing well.

Me: I am. I proved myself at UA and graduated. Remember? No one thought a kid like me would get the top ranking at UA pointswise. I graduated with more than just excellent grades. Nezu even wanted to recruit me.

Eraserhead: No. Do not under any circumstance...

Me: I know! Don't accept that lunatic of a rats offer. 

Eraserhead: Good.

Me: I always wanted to work in an agency to help other heroes. It only makes sense to decline the offer.

Eraserhead: *sigh* 

Me: It's okay. Really.

Right now, Eraserhead forced himself on me including Mic and Midnight to help me move out. There were not a lot of stuff I had here. I was quite a minimalistic person and the only thing I valued were my notebooks that were written in code and they were with me and not them. Besides these heroes also made it to their mission to get everything ready that I would need. That included everything. Designer clothes and pictures and the furniture. It was just hell for me but they had fun so I left them be. The most important thing was that today, tonight, I would finally get going and make a name for myself!


A) Go after a Kamui Wood

B) Go after a random person in the notebook

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