No one could stop us!

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There was not much to say at all. We waited and waited and waited till we heard one of the walls crumble and the typical I AM HERE! It was annoying as hell and we all were kinda annoyed.

Me: Finally.

Shigaraki: Took you fucking long enough Mister Hero.

All Might looked at us while we were kinda sitting on the ground looking at him. He seemed confused on what is going on but I think he got the gist of it because he ran up to us. Before he could do much though, the nomu jumped into action wihtout any of us to tell it anything.

Shigaraki: Did you train that thing?

Me: No why?

Shigaraki: Huh... so he hates that idiot too.

Me: Yeah, question is if you want it let to have all the fun or are you gonna join in?

Shigaraki: Let's see how it does.

The nomu was strong and since there was no backup called, we could enjoy the whole show wihtout worrying at all. I mean of course at some point heroes will start coming in here since the kids have a limited time here and all but we were still in that timeline. 

Besides that the nomu was fighting All Might in a really rough and not really mindblowing fight. Punches were thrown, All Might tried to overthrow that thing. It also went the other way around and the nomu tried to bite All Might but other than that nothing. The nomu could take a couple of texas smashes or however he called his smashes. In the end it was a fight of endurance and me and Shiggy were sitting there watching everything.

Kurogiri were standing behind us watching this shit too without a single word.

Shiggy: I am bored. I'll join this shit.

Me: Alright, up to you.

I was still sitting there withotu even dirtying my hands or useing my quirk to fight at all. I mean yes, I had some feathers around us to lighten up the area as well as protect us from that nomu and All Might in case they would go for us but other than that nothing.

Anways... the moment Shiggy stepped in, I saw how All Might was emitting some smoke but the thing that shocked me was that it just snapped our dears nomus neck and made it fall to the ground... no it dropped dead. That was the only thing that made me stand up and I watched Shiggy try.

Me: Kurogiri, cover us.

With that siad, I quickly flew to help Shiggy out. I knew he wouldn't be able to make it long but together we would for sure and so whlie Shiggy was trying to touch All Might right where it hurt, I was the one who used my feathers from every single side to get this heroes attention. Guess what? A tired hero who just thought a nomu was defintiely not able to stand an all around attack that involved firey feathers at all. I did hit the hero but he let his guard down and it was Shiggy who mananged to disintegrate some skin till All Might kinda made puff and debuffed?

I don't knwo what happened.

It was weird.

To make thinkgs worse... I don't know how to explain this because we had a skeleton in front of us and Shiggy just hit him and this hero was knocked out on the ground.

Shigaraki: What just happened?

Me: Beats me but you defeated All Might.

Shigaraki: I am not a sore loose. I know that it was us!

Me: MEh, let's say you and return.

Shigaraki: Alright boss.

Me: Kurogiri to All for one please.

Instead of returning to the base, I insisted we would be returned to All for One because I wanted to gift this to the man. I mean he gave me the chance to meet up with the LOV and he also gave me Bakugo who by the way was just knocked out somewhere laying around at the USJ building.

We all decided to get him back to our villain lair then give him some injuries and let him run. I think he might even have called the heroes at the right timing. He needed an alibi after all and we were just giving him one... that or he was really knocked out. I don't know what was going on and didn't really care since I knew he was alive and he was my pet so no one was allowed to finish him off at all.

Whelp... it was this easy to get all of the LOV up into the top 10 most wanted villains japan and I got second place on the list too! Better than that stupid chicken with his number 3 and I am sure I am the youngest villain up in the top 3. 

This had to be enough for sure...

For now.

One day I was sure to get on the top and if it was the last thing I would do with the LOV but for now... I was happy with how things were. I mean I got a team that was running like a good oiled machine and I had a hero in training, a dog, a pawn and an old friend and enemy which was listening and doing everything I wanted. 


Yeah... there was nothing I could complain about this.

Society can be screwed but I made place for us wicked people. Now it was our turn to do our bidding and do the worst. Be warned because I gave a new meaning to the word Deku and not only that but villainy was never sleeping and it was not dumb... organized villainy was the best after all.


This is the end of the Villain route! If you want to read the other routs of the quirk option, go ahead. They are all uploaded by now.

Next up, the start of the quirkless route

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