Villains or not? I say no.

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Seriously did anything make sense?

I was just kidnapped by some random villains and not only random but one of the most wanted villains as well Overhaul and his gang. There were a couple of weird stuff but this was toping everything for sure. Who could simply say there were actually being rescued or kidnapped or whatever this was by a villain? Not many for sure and I don't even get why they were doing this when all they were trying was to calm me down and reasure me that everything was alright.

Yeah... as if!

I don't even get how I could be this calm but I was... kinda.... more confused than anything.

Thankfully when we got to that place, they showed me around once again all being kind and I even saw my mother how she was being treated! I mean she was unconsciously in a sanitised room with all kind of life support attached to her. It broke my heart to see her be like this but that was not the important part. They told me I could be with her as long as I wanted.... honestly I would have loved nothing more than to stay with her in this huge house but I couldn't. I needed answeres and if I learned one thing from my mother than to actually always be sceptical especially if things were too good to be true like this one.

So I waited by the door sitting on the floor for Overhaul to come back. Every single person including Hari tried to get me away from there but I didn't wanted to get away at all. 

I need to ask him!

Why are they doing this?

I am not an idiot!

I know when things look out of place and are too good to be true! 

There surely is a catch.

I have to know!

I was definitely not well enough to be walking around but I at least could walk around even if it meant being slow. It didn't hurt since I was full on meds and I was not walking a lot as well since I had a wheelchair to get around here. This all seemed too prepared.

Anyways, after what felt like ages, Overhaul came and he stopped when he saw me. Of course he took of his mask but I was quicker to stand up and bow. He seemed confused but more surprised to me as I bowed very deeply.

Me: THANK YOU! Thank you soo much for everything.

No one could say that he was not taking care of my mother after what I had seen. I owed him a lot for that and I didn't care what the reasons were behind all this. I knew from Hari that everything was kinda their fault but also not... honestly it was not if you asked me since they couldn't know that, that person would do something to get attention at all. 

Overhaul: Stop bowing please!

As quickly as possible this man in front of me picked me up and put started to carry me around. I was embarrassing but more surprised and stunned enough to stop moving at all. 

Overhaul: A pure child like you shouldn't encounter anything like you did and it is even my fault as well.

Me: But you couldn't know what that person would do.

Overhaul: Hari told you, huh?

Me: Yes.

Overhaul: I won't ask for forgiveness but instead I will be supporting you and your mother. This sick society doesn't know what precious gem they were mistreating. 

Me: No need for that. There is really no need for it. You also don't have to ask for forgivness since there is nothing to forgive. As I said, none of this is your fault and I am really grateful for what you did for my mother and me.

Overhaul: You are too pure and too good for this world.

Me: Nope. Just realistic.

This villain brought me straight to the guest room which Hari said would be my room. It was right next to Overhaul and apparently the safest place as well. 

Overhaul: No, this won't do. Rest and get well soon.

Me: ....

Overhaul: What?

Me: Why are you doing all this?

Overhaul: Hari told you already, didn't he? We are at fault.

Me: Yes but you wouldn't do this just because of that, would you.

Overhaul: .... No. You are quirkless and mistreated while in reality the whole world is just sick and infected. They mistreat you and act as if they were better. I can't stand this.

Me: Is this why you are a villain then?

Overhaul: None of your business.

Me: Sorry....

Overhaul: I'll leave you to rest now. If you need anything. Call for Hari or better call for me. ... It's already late and your body didn't recover yet. So rest now.

I knew what he wanted to say. He drew a line there and I was sure not about to find out what would happen if I crossed that line. What he was doing right now could be just on a whimp but I was really grateful for everything. My mom was getting treated, I was getting treated here as well since my room, that guest room had some medical things inside which were clearly put in there for me. So how could I see them as villains in this situation?

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