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It took a bit till they stopped looking at me confused and then wanted to question me but I was already out and walking towards the window. No one questioned me till I opened the window and that also was when I saw some red feathers around blocking it.

Me: Oh come on!

Hawks: You are not gonna go out like this.

Me: Why not?

Endeavor: You can't even fly!

Me: But I can glide!

Endeavor: Do you even know how which story we are?

Me: Ahm no... do I have too?

Hawks: Alright, come on. Let's get away from the window.

Me: *sigh*

Hawks: What's soo bad about it?

Me: You mean my mother, the police, the school, and my life? I don't know which one is worse.

Endeavor: Jesus....

Hawks: Do you wanna talk about it?

Me: Better question. Can I get out of this?

Hawks: *sigh*

Endeavor: And you are asking me why I sigh soo much with Shoto.

Hawks: Is it this hard to have kids?!

Me: Helloooo~ I can hear you all.

I was still standing there at the window and Hawks came over to escord me away from it. By now I was soo interested in his feathers that I ignored what they were saying and guess what, I definitelly caught one in my hands... too bad I really didn't take the sharpness in account.

Me: AHHH!!!!

Hawks: WAIT! Don't let go!

Me: Huh... why not?

Hawks: They are sharp as hell and you can hurt yourself more.

I would have definitelly made the cut soo much worse if not for Hawks who came quickly over to take his feather away. At the same time he also decided to pick me up and carry me all the way back to the infirmary and guess what the guy really loved seeing me back.

This stay was really not the best but nothing I could do about it could change it as well... so I was sitting it out till my mother and someone who was dressed wrongly and a police officer as well. Did I mention that Eraserhead was there was well? No... well he was there but he quickly decided to join the other heroes.

Mother: IZUKU!

Me: Mom...

Mother: What did you even think?! Why did you do that?

Me: I am sorry.

Mother: Do you know how worried I was?

Me: I am sorry.

Mother: Hey, Hey... look at me.... why did you do that?

Me: ...

Mother: Don't want to talk or can't?

Me: I... can't...

Mother: Alright... it's fine. It's fine... let me see you. Did you get hurt?

Me: No.

Mother: My baby... I am soo glad you are okay.

Me: Mom.... can I ask you something?

Mother: Sure.

Me: Are you mad?

Mother: No. I was worried that something bad happened. You would never do that without any reason. I trust you.

I was soo glad my mother was this type of person and always would care for me more than anything else. It was obvious that I didn't wanted to tell her anything. She didn't pray into it but instead hugged me and looked me up. Of course she saw the bandage around my hand but I also told her it wasn't anything important as well. Well Hawks also came over and apologized over and over for that. Then I had the detective, which turned out to be that weird guy, and the police officer telling me how stupid this was. I also got their phone numbers and the heroes and everything before me and my mother left the building and sat down in the car.

Mother: We are now all alone. Do you want to tell me something?

Me: No.

Mother: ... Izu... I want you to know that I am here for you.

Me: Thanks...

Mother: Alright. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

With that my mother started to drive us home. I always loved my mother and this was one of the moments I remembered why I appreciated it that she was my mother and not someone elses. She was the best and no one could tell me otherwise. I only wish I could do more for her than this. 

I was after all just trouble for her.

She could have had such a good life if only my quirk would be soo much better. 

There were soo many what ifs in my head and each and every time I was appreciating her even more. She was everything I had and the best thing that happened to me since I was born. 

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