Something has to be done!

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So, I managed to get back home without the hero and the first thing I did was to try to figure out who the villain group was and I had a feeling that Kai knew more than he let go. Perhapse this was the reason why he insisted at the beginning to be waiting outside in a car for me. Something just didn't feel right. Not after what I had seen. 

Hari: Oh Izu, welcome ba....what the heck happened to you?

Me: What do you mean what happened?

Hari: You reek of blood.

Me: Newsflash... I was outside the whole night.

Hari: Uhu... and leave a bloody trail with your boots. Seriously what happened?

Me: Where is Kai?

Hari: Waiting for you just like me.

Me: Good, I need to ask you two something.

Hari: .... you better explain this to him as well.

Me: I'll do..

Hari: First catch a shower and then get some sleep before you come to us.

Me: No, I need to know now.

It was just that after all that I had seen, I just needed to know what they knew about all this. There was after all a villain group which was kidnapping people off the street and they seem to have a damn beast with them and were crazy as fuck. I just had to know what was going on. After all I just came in contact with them too! Who knows if they will find out that I managed to get in and got the damn hero out! My life could be in danger here!

So once I got back, I made Hari lead the way to Kai and only when we were in the room did Kai, raise from his seat and looked quite shocked. I could see the anger in his eyes when he saw me and his eyes landed on my boots.

Me: Before you ask, I meet a villain group and a hero.

Kai: And who did that?

Me: The villain group. I think you know about them.

Kai: ....

Hari: .... fuck....

Me: SO you do know about them. Who are they?

Hari: We have to tell him in case it was them!

Kai: Did they had a nomu with them?

Me: A what now?

Kai: A humanoid beast with a beak?

Me: Yes.

Kai: *sigh* We will declare war in that case.

Me: WHA- NO! You can't do that.

Kai: They have hurt one of us.

Me: They did not! They didn't even see me break into their hideout!

Hair: YOU WHAT?!

It was my turn to explain them how a hero had found me and how I saved the hero. They seem to understand my thinking since they nodded to all my points and were just silently leaving me be. I really couldn't really say if they were too angry or if they were turly understanding me but no matter what it was, I was kinda really glad that they were not exploding on me at all. 

Kai: Was it worth saving the hero?

Me: Yes.

Kai: In that case, listen carefully. You have encountered a villain group called LOV. They have a vendetta against all heroes. They will not back off from vigilantes as well. So be careful.

Me: Mh. So what do you know about them?

Kai: Not much. What I do know is that they are trying to get Stain to work with them and they are planning to attack UA.

Me: UA?!

Kai: Yes. 

Me: How do you know that?

Kai: This....

He took out a piece of paper and showed it to me. It was a call to all villains to join an attack on the hero class of UA. The first hero class to be specific and that made me be speechless.

Me: They can't be serious.

Hari: I think they are little one.

Me: ... but what about the kids in there?

Hari: They might not survive this...

Me: Something must be done!

Kai: They deserve it.


Kai looked at me when I exploded on him. Sometimes I really couldn't understand the man. He acted soo nice towards me and my mom but definitely hated the world as well. 

Me: They are innocent! If you don't want to do anything, then I will.

Kai: I won't and I won't stop you. I will always support you. 

Hari: We, you mean we kai.

Kai: Take this and do whatever you want with it.


A) Get the paper to UA!

B) Get the paper to Eraserhead!

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