A) Get caught by Nezu

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I was really starting to get nervous around this rat for nothing. There was just something about him that was making me nervous and it is not the fact that I knew what he could do or better to say not knowing what he could do at all. Heck, I didn't even know who I was. I didn't wanted to do anything with anything too. 

Nezu: It is so I can properly thank you.

Properly thank me my ass!

I don't think this is the case but why not...

Not as if I have an actual name...

My name is my vigilante name and I like it too.

If you can do something with it then props to you.

It is my new name in this life anyways.

Me: Haru.

Nezu: Well thank you Haru for delivering this letter. How about coming in for a tea?

Me: Tea?

Nezu: Indeed. Today there is such a cold breeze and I would hate it if someone who is doing things like you would get sick.

Me: ... I am fine.

Nezu: Oh please, I insist on it.


Why was this rat soo persistant all of the sudden. Something was not right and I knew that much. I knew it because my entire body felt electrified because of the tention. There were even alarming flags popping up left and right too. Though I also didn't know what would happen if I would simply decline his offer. Would I angry this damn rat? Or would he leave me alone. The thing was... he was smiling at me very dangerously and there was just this glitter in his eyes almost even shining.... I hated it.

Me: Still no thank you. I need to head home.

Nezu: You mean back home to Valerian?

Me: ....How did you-

Ah there it was. He got me and I fell for it soo easily too. I mean how in the fucking world did he knew that I was working for Valerian at all? That was impossible.

Nezu: He already informed me beforehands that you would come.

Me: Pardon?

Nezu: Ah but please don't fear at all. I do not intend to do anything to you.

Me: ....Huh?

Nezu: Instead I would like to offer you something.


Was I the only one thinking this was going on way too fast? I mean I just arrived, got busted and now was basically frozen in place because of that shock and well at this very moment I was contemplating if I should run or stay. Should I listen to the rat or not? Was this really something I should do?

Was this really a good idea?

Was everything I do so far a good idea?

Me: No.

Nezu: No?

Me: Yes, I don't care what you want but I am not interesting in anything.

Nezu: .... I see.... now that you know where I live, just know that my doors are always open for you.

Me: Why?

Before I could even think about what I wanted to say or stop myself, I had already asked what was on my mind. Nothing made sense at this point at all. So why was he there and why would he even offer something like this to me. I don't know but should he maybe not actually try to get me arrested or busted up even more?

Nezu: Valerian is a very good friend and a tea companion of mine. A brilliant chess player. I suggest you play with him sometimes.

Me: ....


I was just speechless hearing this. How in the word did things turn out to this? Like seriously! Did this make any sense at all?

Since I reallly didn't intended to actually stay longer than this, I bowed to the rat in front of me and just ran away. I think running away was a good decision because things were starting to get confusing as hell and I was certainly not one to want to know and be involved in any of this shit. I don't want to be close to heroes. I don't know what it was but I felt this strong urge to just get away from them. Was this hate? Was this sadness? Or was this something else?

I had no idea...

None at all!

I just felt soo very unpleasant even soo tense and I don't know it was hard to describe but there was just this tightening in my chest that was telling me that I felt just uncomfortable being around one no matter who that was.


I want to scream!

What was that just now?

How did things turn out to be like that?

The fuck!


Where the heck did you send me?

And to do what?

The fuck!

The actual fuck!

This is no joke!

What was that supposed to do for me?

Better get to the bottom of this!

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