The LOV... WTH is happening?!

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Me: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Kai: You wanted to save them, no?

Me: Yes but... don't they have everything under controll?

Hari: Maybe... but we can be close by.

Me: is this why we are at the closest cafe watching the dome?

Kai: Yes.

Me: I thought you didn't wanted to be involved with vigilantes.

Kai: I am not. You are our child until your mother wakes up again. 

Hari: And we are just taking you out for a cup of tea and some cake. 

They both smiled at me quite sheepishly. Of course I knew what was going on. I was not dumb and I was really happy about it. Thank you.... was all I could think. They really had no idea how much this meant to me and yet here we were. For some strange reasons they really truly cared and helped me out a lot not caring for any hero around. There was no doubt in my mind that there was a hero in this very cafe right now as well.

They really prepared themselves.

Can't believe they are that many here....

Let's see... I can see Ryukyu here... there is Miruko....

Uh is that not Hawks?

Wher are his feathers... ah... there is one flying around....

Probably dispatched them.

Kai: Here eat more.

Me: I won't say no to that.

He showed me his cake over and I couldn't help but smile and take it. I know I had a sweet tooth and I loved sweet soo much that people would tell me, well especially my mother, that I would look like a girl but she would love that trait of mine a lot. Oh well, who cares! I was enjoying this fluffy fruity cake too much. 

???: Is this seat taken?

The voice didn't really stop me from enjoying my cake and focusing on it alone until I heard Kai's reply.

Kai: It is!

It was sharp and it was filled with a threat that made me jsut curious who this might be. Of course I should have realized this sooner but when I saw the ears of a fluffy being, I couldn't do anything but choke on the cake.


Hari: Oh shit! Izu you good.

Kai: No need to hurry. No one is taking it from you.

Just a few seconds later, I stopped and was still looking at the rat.

Me: Nezu?

Nezu: Why indeed. I have hoped to have a chat with the three of you.

Somewhat this didn't really sound good at all but since there was no harm in it, I nodded. Not as if we could do anything else while we were actually in a goddamn cafe filled with heroes. Overhaul was sitting right here and they could take him away in a heart beat! What was I supposed to do else?

Kai: If he is alright, then feel free.

Nezu: Ah great. I must give you my thank you for helping us out. It seems that you all are even eager to see what is happening. Perhapse even ready help us out more.

Hari: Or maybe you just have the wrong family.

Nezu: I highly doubt that with a missing child Izuku Midoriya sitting right here, that is quite out of the question.

Hari: Shit.

Me: ....

Nezu: I am not here to fight nor hand you over to the police. 

We all were listening carefully to what the rat had to say. Of course we knew that we were quite screwed the moment we walked into the cafe but walking out of it without at least drinking onw thing would have made us suspicious. Besides running away was no option at all. 

Nezu: Fear not, the students and everyone in there is alright thanks to the information we have received from you. As for me, I wanted to let you know that for now, you may walk around but by the slightest slip up, you will be arrested and hunted down by all the heroes. I will be personally seeing to it that a child as bright as him will not fall to the wrong side. Of course I will not force anyone at all. My lord, that is not my intention. However be warned. I have my eyes and ears everywhere.

What a true warning. I could even feel shivers down my spine.

Kai: Who do you think you are talking to rat ! He is better than us and doesn't belong in our world. We are simply correcting our mistake here!

Hari: More than that! He is family now and if you touche even one of his hair even a single strand of it, I will personally be the first one to open a hunt on you to get your pelt.

Oh wow... I seriously haven't expected this at all and what everyone expected even less was Nezu laughing while walking away from us.

Me: ... is he seirousl? Are you serious?

Kai: We are.

Well after this, we watched as some police cars came up and the heroes rushed out to arrest the LOV. We were all there and I felt a lot better seeing the end of this nightmare myself. It might sound strange but even after that warning, Kai and Hari never gave up on me as well as continued encourage me to be the vigilante I wanted to be!

And now look at me!

I was stilll continuing researching gathering information and everything each and every night while I would often go to the library over the day. As for my mom.... she was still in a coma but I truly believed that one day, she would wake up and she was the type of person to accept the past and what was going on around her as well as adopt pretty quickly.

Never give up what you trully want to be!

After all, life was my own!

No one could tell me what I would end up doing and what I enjoy the most.

~~END of vigilante route~~


This is the end of the vigilante rout of the quirkless story part. Next up should be the suicidal one if I am not wrong. If you want to find out the other endings, go and have a try at the other choices and routes.

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