No escape

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There was nothing but silence... no that was not correct there was this beeping sound which scared me a bit. What was that sound and where was it coming from? My mind was quite in a haze but my body reacted to that sound. Something told me that this sound was bad and I didn't really think about it at all when I abruptly sat up and immediately regretted it. 

???: Hey! Hey! Hey! Careful there!

I heard someone talking but I didn't really understood where it was coming from with my mind in a dazy. It hurt a lot and right now, I wanted to sleep a bit more. So when the hand pushed me to lay back down, I welcomed it. Though there was this faint coffee smell and another one which kinda smelled very sweet. This sweet scent made me sleep a bit more and forget about evrything. 

The next time I woke up, there was no beeping sound and I felt more refreshed. At least my mind was not in a dich right now and I could think clearly. This disgusting smell of antiseptic and cleaning supplies made me sick to my stomach. I didn't had to even question myself where I was right now. It should have been clear from the smell alone.

Me: *sigh*

Before I moved or sat up, I sighed and started staring at the ceiling.

What now...

This is definitely a hospital.

Should I even stay here?

Why thought?

AH.... my wings.....

At least I can still feel them.

So it can't be that bad....


My quirk!

I can't use it!

The moment I felt something like a blockage when I tried to use my quirck, I started panicking. Do you know that feeling when you suddenly don't wear anything and are out on the street feeling completly splitter naked? It was such a feeling that got me to panick and sit up as well as look at my hands in front of me. No flames no nothing but there was this bracelet that I was wearing.

???: You gave us all a thright, how are you feeling?

Maybe I should have looked around the room first but that was not important right now.

Me: My quirk....

???: Don't worry, you didn't lose it.

Me: Huh?

It was only when this woman said lose it that I looked at her. Black long hair and leather jacket with sunglasses in her hand and wearing high-heels inlcuding some skinny jeans and some red. She was the same woman I saved back in that alley. 

Me: What do you mean?

One question at a time. I had a billion in my head right now. Let's start with my quirk then her and then what would happen to me. Though the last question was definitely the most important one right now. 

???: First off, I am Nemuri and thanks for saving me back then.

Me: ....

Nemuri: That bracelet you are staring at is a quirk suppression bracelet.

Me: Why?

Nemuri: Your little wings need to heal. The bones got shattered quite badly and it was decided that it would help more if they were not on fire.

Me: ....

Alright fair enough. That really made sense. How would anyone treat my wings if they were basically on fire? Not possible if they didn't wanted to burn themselves quite badly. 

Me: How ahm... How bad?

Nemuri: Quite bad but you are healing pretty darn good kid.

Me: ... *relieved sigh*

Nemuri: Anything else you want to know Izu? Oh can I call you like that?

Me: Izu?

Nemuri: Yes, oh wait they did tell me you could have amnesia from what they could tell with that concussion.

Me: ... 


Is this the new word for saying I got slammed against the concrete floor and got nearly killed. It was a wonder that I was still alive. Come to think about it... what happened to that thing or the gang? Was I the only thing they wanted and if this is so then why was I still here?

Nemuri: Do you remember anything that happened?

Me: You mean getting thrown out of the window or getting chucked by a darn monster?

Nemuri: Oh so you do remember that.

Me: Yes. Very clearly and I would love to forget that fact.

Nemuri: Can you tell me anything about it?

Me: Hmmm....

Should I tell her or not?

Would it be better to refuse to tell her anything?

I left my past life behind and became Haru.... I am a

Oh.. ahm should I perhapse try and escape?

Do some more vigilante work?

Nemuri: Ah! I nearly forgot! Nezu told me to tell you that Haru should forget about trying to escape because he would find you.


Sarcasm was dripping from the words I just said and as if that thing already knew what I was thinking about and made sure to tell me that. Well shit! Being here is not an option but escaping was offically a no-go now.

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