Nothing can go right!

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I really had enough of the night and decided to return back to Valerian. Something about that encounter with Endeavor made me nervous. Honestly, I didn't really know what it was but there was this feeling inside my chest as if I knew the guy. It was just a slight meeting. I saw him and he saw me for sure but that was enough to make me panick. Thankfully he didn't chase me at all.

When I got back to Valerian, I couldn't help but feel guilty. The night was young and I had just returned after all.

Valerian: Are you okay kiddo?

Me: Yeah...

Valerian: You don't seem that way.

Me: It's just...

Valerian: The hero spottet you ey?

Me: Yeah... but...I think I know that guy from before. I had this deja vu feeling and it was driving me mad. 

It was true that I couldn't remember anything from my past but that pounding in my chest was definitelly not because I was scared at all. I could easily face gang orca the other day and yet I couldn't face the number 2 hero at all.

Valerian: It's fine. You don't have to think about it.

Me: It's bugging me though.

Valerian: Just take it easy kiddo.

Me: Mh....

Valerian: On that note, here can you bring this to UA?

Me: What's this about?

Valerian: A villain group which started to form recently.

Me: A villain group?

Valerian: Yes. I want to make sure UA is fine. I found out that they want to install a traitor.

Me: Gotcha.

I took the envelope from Valerian and decided to head out once again. It was still dark outside and it was quite calm as well. For some reasons, I couldn't stop about the encountering. My mind was starting to work all around but I still couldn't rememver at all.


I could seriously slap myself because of this!

It feels as if I had forgotten something important!

What is it though!

What did I forget?

You know what? 

Screw this!

I don't wanna know!

Ignoring this feeling in my chest, I went ahead to UA and finally stood in front of the walls of the school gates. There was only one thing on my mind right now and it was actually that the damn school looked like a fort. It had walls this tall and probably thick as well. It made me wonder if someone was actually preparing for the epocalypse. Ah who knows what that rat satan had in mind. I only heard some rumors from Valerian and he was impressed by the rat.

Anyways I was there looking at the gates but I didn't expect someone to actually walk towards me. It was also out of the blue as well.

???: Isn't it late for a kid to walk around like this?

Me: Ah sorry. I just had to get out and run a bit. It helps me fall back asleep after a nightmare.

A white lie but it was something I had to say to this, this, well this person who looked weird with their fangs and that pitbull with them as well. He was defintielly a hero. I didn't know why else he would here. This man had white hair and was quite bulky as well. 

???: Do you live close by?

Me: Yes. I just need to get down the road a bit further.

???: I'll walk you home. It's dangerous to be outside like this.

Me: I shouldn't walk with a stranger as well.

???: I am pro-hero Vlad King and a teacher here at the school.

Me: I am Haru.... if that's the case. Thanks! I'll take you up on the offer.

Vlad: So running helps huh?

Me: Yeah...

Vlad: Alright, how about a small jog with me?

Me: Sure.

Vlad: Lead the way.

I did lead him towards a buildling where I knew that the entrance door to the building was broken and I could actually fake opening the front door. If not like this how else was I supposed to get away right now after all? This night was just getting better in my opinion... there was seriously nothing that could get even more wrong.

Jinxing myself was kinda a hobby as well... so when I thought that, I immediately wanted to slap myself. This was definitelly wrong and I had a hero jogging along side with me and a dog following him. Where would you ever get this?

Once I arrived at the house, I thanked the hero and opened the door to get inside. I was just happy at this point that he let me leave but the thing was... this hero was waiting there in front of the house a bit. I was watching him carefully from a window which was right by the staircase up. It was weird but it seemed as if this person was waiting to see if I would get out.

Why in the world is he not leaving?

Why is he still sticking there?

What the heck?

Why does he care about a kid like myself?

AH forget it!

I'll get to the rooftop!

And with that I started making my way up since I had to get back to UA and deliver that damn paper and hope not to get caught again.

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