Meet the new me!

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As soon as I left the place, I was kinda teleported away to a bar or a pub. Don't really know what it truly is but what I do know is that it was run down and there were shattered windows which were hammered shut with some wood and the whole interior looked as if someone actually went their anger out. Honestly, that was understandable but still not something that should be in a villain lair. I had expected something better than this. How about a house, an apartment, something more warm and more... well civilised and not like a place that was owned by a street rat.

Kurogiri: This is your new home. The social are is down here and if you follow me upstairs, there you can find all the individiuals rooms. Right now no one is at home. They are stealing some supplies we need.

Me: Don't you have money?

Kurogiri: We are villains.

Me: And?

Kurogiri: No one can work without getting recognized.

Me: Yeah but you can still do some stealing and killing jobs, no?

Kurogiri: That we could indeed. However you will need to tell this to the others.

Oh boy...

This is soo gonna be very annoying and stressful.

I can already tell that it will take up all my energy.

Gosh dang it!

If I had knows this would be where I would stay, I would have declined.... yeah no.. with Kacchan here... nah...

Plus I do have my very own plan with him.

The man wanted to get into UA after all.

A bright smile came onto my face while I was thinking about the things I could do to Kacchan. Kurogiri had seen it and he definitely knew what I was thinking because once he showed me the rooms and told me the names of the others, we went to the basement and then I saw Kacchan there blindfolded and he was sitting there as if nothing ever happened. What a thick headed idiot. How could he be this calm in this situation.... no... he was not calm at all.

At first I thought he didn't care at all but the longer I looked at the kid in front of me the more I saw how he was actually backing away to the wall and trying to use his quirk as well as get the chains off him. He was gritting his teeths and at the same time I could tell that he had cried as well. In fact, he was not bold and brave and just dealing with this situation, oh no, he was stressed and in distress, scared and anxious. 

Kurogiri: This is what you were wanting to see, no?

Me: I do.

Kurogiri: For now he is put under medication so he can't move that much at all. He has proven to be quite the....

Me: Villain?

Kurogiri: Troublemaker.

Me: I know.. I know my fair share about this particular person.... Can he hear us?

Kurogiri: Yes.

Me: Oh great.

Once I knew that he could actually hear us, I went over to Kacchan crouched in front of him and decided to pet his cheek a bit, very gently. Of course I was just playing around.

Me: Hello Kacchan.

My voice sounded as if it was laceed with honey, very sweet and very gentle. It was giving me the creeps but it was the way I was always talking to everyone. I never actually had shown anyone my true feelings. Never did I wanted my mother to know how hard I had it or how angry and frustrated I got sometimes. Oh well, now was the time I could let go off everything but I still wanted to talk this way, just because I knew how much I could freak out people with it.

Me: Kacchan, do you know why you are here?

He didn't answer but his mouth did open up and closed itself again. Was he speechless?

Me: Kurogiri, can he talk?

Kurogiri: I do not know that. All he did was curse.

Me: I see.... sooo Kacchan, I have a favor to ask and if you don't do what I say.... guess what?.... you are gonna be on the receiving end of all the pain you put me through.

I whispered the last part into his ear and I could see how he was trying to back away. Not only that but I could see his hair standing up and the goosebumps he just got.

Me: You know, I know where your parents live. They are such great people. Now now... here are some basic rules-

Kacchan: Lea...LEAVE THEM ALONE!

Me: Oh so you can talk.

Kacchan: Fuck off!

Me: Ohh... noo nooo nooo! You should show some respect don't you think.

With that I decided to break his finger.  It was a quick decision and it was enough for him to scream as he didn't expected this to happen at all.

Me: First rule here.... No cursing, no insulting others. I had heard enough of it. Each time you do, I will make sure to break a bone.

Kacchan was never a dumb person. I knew he was not dumb otherwise he wouldn't have such great grades.

Me: Do you undestand?


Me: Node if you undestand.

He hesitated but soon nooded. I wanted him to learn the first rule before I would continue with the others.

Me: Good... keep the first rule in mind. I will tell you the others, later.

Now that I had lost my interest in him for the day and also didn't wanted him to get accustomed to the pain, I decided to leave together with Kurogiri. Of course I asked him to heal Kacchans wound but only after Midnight and only after he fell asleep. I wanted the guy to suffer as much as possible.

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