B) Run and leave everything behind

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So I was looking at the rat and the more I was standing there the more I wished I could escape and you  know what? Was there really something that was stopping me right now from escaping cause I wasn't seeing anything that was stopping me right now from running away at all. I was there in front of the guys... no that thing was not a guy that thing was a demon straight from hell or a monster. I mean it was a chimera after all and I was not sure if you could even call a chimera a guy or a girl? It was basically a mythical animal and an animal.... whatever!

I should run as fast as I can....

Who know what this thing can do!

Maybe run?

Maybe not?

Ah screw this shit, I am out of here!

Me: Sorry but I really have to go.

Before he could say anything more than that, I already turned around and started running away. The last thing I did hear was some laughing coming from behind me and I was starting to wonder what Valerian did write on that damn note I was delivering to the chimera.

Ah whatever!

I hated wasting more thoughts on this since it was definitelly not a good one. Nothing could change the here and now after all. So why should I waste some precious time to actually listen to any explaination at all?

It took me a bit but I ran a couple of blocks before I calmed down and started walking again.


I really thought that things would actually be different.

Who would have thought that it was this hard to reach the damn school?

Well whatever....

Maybe I can relax for the rest of the night, evening... wait what time is it?

The sky was already dark and all but that didn#t indicate anything at all and to be honest, I was a mess when it came to time and I knew that one for sure. I may not know who I was but that didn't matter at all.

Does it matter?

I wonder if when I get back Valerian will tell me what was written on it...

Didn't he mention it earlier though?

Did I even listen to what he said?

I totally forgot!

Maybe it was something important!


Now I wanna bite my own ass for not listening to Valerian for once!

As I was actually walking around, I started to hear something happening and it was sounding like a fight. Now there was no need, I mean absolutely no need for me to get involved in the fight at all but then again that wasn't really me! I decided to actually be vigilante and help out and all because I didn't had a home and even if! It was Valerian who helped me out and it meant soo much to me that  I kinda wanted to be like the man. He didn't even question me at all and just threw himself into danger and helped me out... well not really danger but I could have been a villain and who knows what too. That man had a really good heart and a keen eyes. I had to give him that for sure.

The fighting sounds were starting to calm down and it was starting to get more and more quieter but there was this heavy panting that I couldn't ignore. I was getting closer and closer to the scene that I haven't even realized the moment I was running towards it just to hear some groaning sound when it was right around the corner. 

I should call for help!

It sounds as if someone was hurt!

I gotta help the man for sure!

Now this was not the time to think a lot but to act and it seems as if my body knew exactly what I had to do because when I got around the corner I found someone I have never seen before but the thing that was bothering me more was that sweet scent which made  me a bit sleepy. Whatever it was it was dangerous but I also couldn't ignore this woman with black hair laying there. There was also a whip on the floor as well. 

Me: Shit!

The moment my eyes scanned the scene, I immediately saw the blood and then rushed to the woman and did the best I could. That basically meant rip some of her clothes cause I for sure didn't had enough on me to actually afford doing this plus she was wearing something white which looked more clean than the black what I was wearing. Whatever! I was acting in a hurry and searching for a phone after I was pressing on that wound of hers. She was already completly passed out too.

911: 911 what is your emergency?

Me: I found a woman on the ground she is bleeding very heavily.

911: What is your location Sir?

Me: I don't know.

911: Alright, we will use the GPS sender to find that out. 

Me: There is a whip on the ground and it seems as if there was a figth going on too. I am already trying to stop the bleeding but she has passed out.

I was kinda really informative right now but I didn't care. I thought that it would be better for them to know the truth and everything because I was certainly not about to actually stay here and get caught.

911: Help is on the way. Sir please stay calm.

Me: Thank you.

For the records, I was sure I was not supposed to actually end up the call but I started to hear some sirens and when it was loud enough, I decided to dip but not without one last prayer..... AND can you believe it?!  She actually woke up looked at me and grabbed my arm while I was about to dip.#

Woman: Thank you....

Me: Please get better and don't give up.

Now it seems as if she had just used all her power to do that because she fall back unconscious and I dipped from the sight so I could get back to Valerian.

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