B) Stick with being in the room

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A/N: Sorry for being late... I am doing this chapter in a rush kinda... my grandma's birthday is today took me 5 hours to find a cake which was a hilarious thing and the best part was that I made my grandmas day just because I spent 5 hours searching for cake in around 9 or 10 different stores and in two malls XD She found my determination funny.... Whelp...

What we don't do for people we really love :)

Anyways sorry for any mistakes here, I am dead tired but I still wanna do this chap... so here I go!

I had the urge to do something but my body itself refused to actually move and so I was laying down in the bed just staring at the damn ceiling till I had enough. Maybe it was the dripping sound or the other machines in the room but all of the sudden the IV was really bothering me soo much that I pulled it out of my arm. It did hurt a bit and it was at that moment that I felt differently than before.


I still can feel pain while being this dead....

I do deserve to feel pain.

I shouldn't be happy with all that happened.

Maybe I should feel more?

The pain itself was not the problem. Although it should have alarmed me, it didn't and the worse thing was that I was actually looking forward to the pain I would feel when I would stab myself with the IV. I didn't know why I was doing it nor was I thinking much about it. I just kinda used the needle the IV was attached and started to prick myself. At first I was hesitent but after the second time I was more confident.

It was the pain which made me feel alive for just a second. It made me forget about what I did and it made this hole in myself just vanish for a very brief moment. After all the emotion of pain was definitely greater than the sadness, or void I felt.

 Me: I wonder if I could...

I wanted to do more than just prick myself. The feeling was there but that didn't satisfy me at all. Just a couple of times more and I started to get used to the pain soo much that I actually felt this void again. It was just there. Haunting, tempting and telling me how useless I was. A reminder of me being alive but at the same time not. I shouldn't be alive at all and this void was proof of that.

While I was thinking about a way to hurt myself a bit more, the door to the room was opened after a small knock. Of course I hid the IV and my arm in case it was the nurse. Though I was pretty sure I was not able to hide it for long too.

Nurse: Coming in.

Me: Okay...

Nurse: Oh you are awake.

Me: Yeah...

Nurse: I thought you would go back to sleep.

Me: ... 

Nurse: Well I have someone who wants to see you. Are you okay with some visitors?

Visitors as in plural indicated more than just one person but the thing was... I didn't had a clue about any kind of person who should be actually coming over to see me at all. Besides I didn't had any more family too. Who in the hell was there for me?

It was my very own curisosity which made me actually want to see who it was and maybe it was the wrong choice but it was my choice.

Me: Sure...

Just a couple of moments later I had this hero come in. He was the one person I so didn't wanted to see at all. Why was this hero even here? Not as if I didn't actually jump over a damn wall and landed on him... well I think it was that way. Even if not, it was not the best encounter and it was not even the last one so I was kinda nervous when I saw him enter and he wasn't even the only one entering. Why was there another hero?

What is HE doing here?

Wait... are they here to get me?

Finally I will get what I deserve.

No... that doesn't feel right. 

Where is the police?

Why is he just slandering in with a sleeping bag?

Is this normal?



This doesn't look normal...

I... What?


I don't need heroes!

I don't want to see them. 

It was my fault!

I don't need any heroes to try and safe me or get me back on track!

I don't want that.

Just leave me alone!

I already knew roughly why they were here and it was the absolute only thing I could think about why this hero was here and I didn't liked it in the least.

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