B) Don't and trust in the words of the hero.

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Me: ....

I don't really know what I was thinking about. When we got there, I was soo sure that I wanted to see her but when he told me that, I didn't really know how to feel. My mothers face might be completly destroyed and gone. Maybe I wouldn't even be able to recognise her at all. Perhaps, it would be indeed better not to see her and stick with the memories I had from her. The last thing I would see would be her face and her condition which I would certainly never ever gonna forget. Was it wroth it?

In my mind, my mother was the best person in the world. Not only that but she was someone who had always encouraged me to go do what I loved and wanted to do. She never set any strict rules on me, she never told me to stop. She.... She was the best mother a quirkless kid could have gotten. I knew how hard it was for her to actually be together with me as she was shunt and bullied by all her coworkers. Yet she never gave up for me.

Eraserhead: We can go inside and be there. She will be covered with a blanket.... it is up to you if you want to remove it or not.

He seemed to undestand my troubles and how I felt. Still somewhat, deep inside me, I felt the rage that was flaming up. There was sadness, a very deep sadness about what happened. It nearly even was starting to chocke me. Each step we took towards the more and even now once the door opened, I felt how I stopped breathing for a good second. 

Was I nervous?


Was I anxious?



In here, lays my mother and rest for eternity. The only person who was dear to me and who I wanted to treasure for my whole life.

Eraserhead: We are here for Inko Midoriya, the woman who died at the traffic accident.

Staff: Ah, this way.

Eraserhead: Let the kid uncover the face if he wants it.

Staff: Sure but I strongly advice against it.

Eraserhead: His choice.

Staff: Alright.

The man working here went to the wall and opened up one of the containers door so that he could actually pull my mother out. She was covered with a white sheet as if he wanted to give her a bit of privacy. I don't know what it was but I felt a bit glad that she was not laying in there without a blanket around at all. The thought about the sheer coldness inside made me just sad and I knew that she was dead but it still pained me to think that she would suffer in there.

Staff: I will be waiting outside then.

Me: Thank you.

Eraserhead: .... Do you want me to get out as well?

Me: ... If that would be alright with you....

Eraserhead: Call me if you need me then. I'll be waiting outside.

Maybe this was not the best thing a hero could do since there were quite some weapons inside but he did and I was thankfull for this. The last moments I would be alone with my mother and the last chance I had to actually see her. Yet, for some reasons, I couldn't do it. I felt as if the memories of her would be replaced when I would face her now. I was scared about what would happen next. 

Me: Mom.... I am soo sorry....

If only the heroes would have acted the way they should have!

If there would have been more....

If they had stopped that crazy asshole sooner.....


There were soo many ifs but the reality was just simple. Everything already happened and nothing could be changed. I knew this as well and as much as it hurt... I had to accept it... 

Could I do that?

Could I really accept things how they were?

While I was starting to think about everything a bit more, this rage deep inside me started flaring up. It was not my fault. It was not my mothers fault. It were the heroes who had failed to do their job. It was as simple as that and every fiber in my body knew this. I was starting to clentch my hand into a fist until my very own short nails started to dig themselves into my skin. The pain was not an issue since I couldn't feel it at all. Tears were already flowing down my cheek too as right now, I couldn't stop but feel helpless and lonely... just one second.. it took one damn second and I was all alone.

Me: I will avenge you.... and if it the last thing I will do.... I will make everything right!... I... I will fix this damn hero infested society!

This was the last promise I gave to my mother before I went out of there to meet up with Eraserhead.

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