A hunch

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Okay forget about that paper! I was sure that going back to UA was not the best option. If anything I knew that Valerian wanted me to give this paper to Nezu. That meant that I could simply go to where Nezu was living since that rat was for sure not living at the campus. I mean who would do that? Still it also meant that I needed to find out where Nezu was living first before I could deliver the letter and time was ticking...

Me: Ah for fucks sake!

I took out the phone and gave my dear freidn Valerian a call. He waiting for that one for sure. What should I say... I hated it for now but there was not really any other option I had.

Valerian: You got caught again huh....

Me: Not caught yet... I am hiding...

Valerian: Same same but different.

Me: Can you tell me where Nezu lives and don't tell me he lives at UA.

Valerian: Alright, then I wont.

Me: You can't be seirous now.

Valerian: I was just joking. He lives outside in a house.

Me: Where?

Valerian: You plan on delivering the note to the man personality?

Me: Yes what else? I can't get close to UA with all the heroes patrolling after all.

Valerian: Your choice man.

Yeah it was my choice but this was not what I wanted. Anyways, back to our conversation! There was nothing more important right now than to actually get the letter delivered. Whatever was inside was for sure important.

Me: Soo where to?

Valerian: Where to?

Me: Yes the address of the rat!

Valerian: Ah for gods sake... you really gonna break into his house? He will take it perosnally!

Me: Yes I will and I don't care! I don't have time for this!

Valerian: I'll send you the coordinates then.

Me: Thank you!

Valerian: I warned you though.

Me: Hahaha funny now send it.

Valerian: Ungreatful bastard.

Me: I am grateful and who is the one delivering these damn latters.

Valerian: Alright alright but don't say I didn't warned you.

How bad could it actually be?

I am just going over to a rats house putting it under his door and then run back away!

No biggy here!

That was definitely the wrong thing to think. I got the address and made my way there. It was pretty close which made it easy to get there but once I got to the house, I saw that it was actually a darn new building and not only that it was decked out with survailance and security cameras and everything else. This was not a piece of cake as I thought at all.

Anyways since I was not really wearing something that was screaming vigilante, I decided to walk over to the door and simply knock at the door first. There was no answer at all. Another knock and then I rang the doorbell till someone opened the door.

Nezu: How can I help you, child?

Me: Sorry for the late notice. I just came home from a late shift at work... I found your latter in my post.

Nezu: Oh my. Thank you for bringing it over.

Me: Your welcome.

I tried to get away but Nezu stopped me while he grabbed the cloth of my costume.

Nezu: May I ask how you knew that this is for me?

Me: Well a guy gave it to me and said I should bring it here. I got 50 bugs for it.

Nezu: I see... can you describe how this man was looking?

Me: Dunno reall he was looking weirdly dressed and all but I am really tired so I did that for the money.

It was a lie that I came up with in an instant. What was I supposed to do? I mean I totally didn't forget that there wasn't an adress on this envelope or a name at all. So I had to say something. This was the safest thing right? Right?

Nezu: I see but can I get your name?

Me: Why?

Nezu: How do I know that you are not said person.

Me: You think I am the man who wrote this?

Nezu: Is there something wrong with that?

Me: ....

No.... no... absolutely not... besides the fact that I am working together with Valerian and that is not my letter at all....

So you are good.


A) Get caught by Nezu

B) Run and leave everything behind

A/N: Sorry for the long wait... too much was going on... I am will do more frequent updates from now on... though still gonna be like after each choice a week time for you all to vote. I prefer the voted option first to write and then make the other thing happening after that..... as you already know :) Sorry again!

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