A home... this is a home...

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I don't know how much time we spend on playing together but before I knew it my parents came back and it was also right where I was actually beating Hound Dog in a game of chess. This game was kinda fun. I could tell he was being nice to me at first but not after I so kindly layed a trap out and he fell for it. After that we were honestly playing it and both of us were soo deeply into it that we didn't realize when Mic and Eraserhead came in.

Whelp anyways, today was kinfa fun and Hound Dog went home which left me alone with the heroes once again. I mean I felt a bit awkward with them since they were basically strangers to me. It just felt strangly nice.

Aizawa: Did that dog do something to you?

Me: Huh?

Mic: He always tries to pray into things. So if he tried to pray into something I will honestly make him wear a muzzle for a week.

Me: No no. He was super nice and it was fun playing with him.

Aizawa: You won, right?

Me: Mh which made him furious. He is a sore looser.

Mic: Oh wow.... now I get why Nezu doesn't want to play chess with Ryo but only with Chiyo.... huh... 

Me: It was fun.

Aizawa: Good to know.

Me: How was your day?

Aizawa: Don't ask.

Mic: He had to bath into tomato soup for the last two hours because the villain had a skunk quirk and got him.

Me: Ohhh that must have hit hard.

Mic: Oh yes.....

Aizawa: *sigh* As if you were handling that lion better.

Mic: Well I tried to distract him at least and not tackle someone to the ground....

Me: .... 

They started arguing about what happened and from what I could tell, Aizawa was facing someone with a skunk quirk and tried to use his scarf till it was unusable which is why he didn't had his scarf with him but a normal infinty scarf around his neck right now. At first I didn't notice that but soon I did since it just looked weird and they did talk about it. On the other hand Mic seemed to be facing someone with a lion quirk but also buffed up and he tried to distract that big cat with sounds and a laser pointer. Wonder why that didn't work out? What a stupid idea. 

Me: I am glad nothing happened otherwise.

Mic: Awwww, the little listener is worried about us.

Aizawa: Don't worry. Nothing can get us that easily.

Mic: Yup. We may not look like it but we are harder to take down than people might think.

Aizawa: Now... what should we do tomorrow?

Mic: How about just being at home?

Aizawa: Cafe?

Mic: You and your cafe!

It was fun listening to them and the warmth alone felt good. I could stay here forever just listening to them as they started to discuss everything. There were even soo many options that I couldn't remember every single one.

Aizawa: problem kitten, what do you want to do?

Me: Isn't tomorrow monday?

Mic: And?

Me: Don't you two work?


Aizawa: Pfffffff-

Did I say something wrong because this was quite unexpected. The fact was that they were heroes and that they both worked at UA as teachers. Or did I miss something? I couldn't remember if I did or not....

Mic: We took a week off you silly goose.

He smiled and playfully told me that. I mean that was one option but not something I was thinking about.

Aizawa: We thought taking some time off just being together would help out.

It certainly would especially since I still felt as if everything in here was just foreign and didn't belong to me or that this house was my home. I was barely ready to accept that they were my new family. Let's just say Hound Dog was helpful a bit... I mean now I was not even thinking that I killed her anymore. I guess the questions about my quirk did the trick since I got stuck in a loop there. 

Maybe it was also that I hated feeling how I felt and this was a welcoming change. 

I don't really know what it was.

I still felt kinda responsible but he was right. I couldn't have done anything at all....

The only question I had in my mind right now was.... how do I deal with that piece of information?

Of course I was still sad and morning my mothers death but.... what do I do with myself?

What do I do with this feeling? This new family? This... I mean Everything?

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