B) Say you are a lone wolf!

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I could have seriouly l ost it when I saw who was in fro nt of me. The weird part here was that I knew this guy and not only  knwe him but a couple of minutes earlier, I have jokingly even thought to surpass him. Not that would be possible. After all the man in front of me was no other than All for One himself.


I am in trouble!

I should say I am not interested and leave.

Nothing good will come out if I stay here or agree with this.


I can't!

Who knows what he wants from me... villain team my ass!

This person is dangerous!

So I was walking towards the man who was somewhat sitting up in a bed that looked like a hospital bed. He looked a bit unwell but that didn't mean that he would actually be harmless. Oh no, I was certainly not gonna do that mistake and underestimate him. The number one villain was after all something else.

AfO: Good... you do have a sense of danger.


I was confused when he said that but it seemed that I was being a bit obvious about I felt being there. I mean there was not really any option anymore than to run. Every fiber of my body even told me to run. Yeah, there was no way I would stick being around here for sure.

AfO: Now tell me child,  why did you want to see me?


Why indeed?

I don't know,.....

I think I wanted to check out who was behind it and then actually think about it...

But there is no way I would agree now!

Me: I am here to tell you that I won't take up any team. I am a loner. I don't deal with idiots.


He started laughing as if I had just told him the joke of the century. Well maybe I did because this was all just too ridiculous. Just imagine a kid who has the power to say no to the number 1 villain and even think of walking out of here alive! I admit it does seem like a good joke but I was confident to burn everything down if I must.

AfO: Is that all?

Me: Yes.

AfO: You don't even want to listen to the benefits or ask anything?

Me: Nope.

AfO: Then let me tell you one thing Midoriya...


He knows my name?!


AfO: I prepared a nice present incase you would actually agree to this.

Me: I don't need anything.

AfO: Are you sure?

Me: ....

AfO: You see, I was very impressed with the fires and the killing you did that I decided to ask you personally to join the LOV. 

Oh great...  what a fancy name too...

Seriously who decided to go with LOV?

It sounds like LoL or even the series Land of Vikings.

I could even associate the name with something else....

While my mind was ridiculing the name LOV, AfO continued to talk about my hardship in life and the whole thing about Bakugo being a bully and onky when he mentioned Kacchan, the nickname I gave that rabid infested dog, did I peak up and listen to the man once again.

AfO: Your dear friend Kacchan must be really something else thinking he would turn into a fine hero.

Me: Delusional as ever.

AfO: I agree here but why don't you teach him a lesson? Ah, I forgot that you are not joining.... 

Me: What do you mean?

AfO: I let my people and the current LOV catch the lousy hero and have him currently locked up. The idea of torturing and having a punching bag seemed quite good but it seemed that you are not interested.

Me: You have Kacchan?

AfO: Yes.

Me: Andd you would let me do whatever I want with him?

AfO: You can even kill him and I would bring him back to live or even hurt him as many times as you want. We do have a skilled healing potion maker.

 Me: .....

Something in me started to boil. I felt like my whole world would change and I was stepping on a path that I never wanted and a path with no return to any side. It was willed with dozens of bodies and blood. This much I could tell immeditely yet, somehow I started smili ng like the cheshire cat. It sounded not so wrong. I could revenge myself and get away with it. With All for One backing me up, who knows how far I could go!

It sounded like an opportunity right now.

AfO: Let me ask you again, do you want to join or rather turn your back and leave now?

Me: I am in.

The choice is Yours! (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now