Any plans?

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A couple of days past since I got there and I had really a couple of Healers and Doctors coming over to check me up and after days I could finally walk around again without any problems or pain at all. This was a miracle considering that my leg got pretty badly broken and injured as well as burned from that accident. My lugs had too much smoke from how everything started to go down bad. Well they told me how bad my situation was and that I could be considered lucky that I survived but honestly it was not luck but Kai Chisaki who did everything to safe my life as well as my motheres. She got it worse since the damn thing hit the driver side and not mine. Horrible accident but nothing one could do anything about at all. 

Anyways, I was eating breakfast with all of the guys in a room. I had figured out that the higher their ranks, the more they would eat together and breakfast in the morning was mandatory. Today was a bit different since all the people were actually on some kind of mission and only Hari and Kai were with me.

Hari: And how do you like it here so far?

Me: Good. Thanks again for everything.

Kai: No need to thank us.

Me: I still will.

Kai: *sigh*

Hari: Come on, the kid just is being polite. Don't be rude to tell him off.

Kai: I was never doing this Hari.

Hari: Yes you were.

Kai: Izuku is there anything you want to do since you recovered quite well?

Me: Anything I want to do?

Kai: Yes. Any hobbies you like or anything like that? You can't just be in your room or this house all day long.

Me: Why not? It's nice here and the garden is huge as well! Besides there is also a lot to do around here.

Hari: No helping around doing chores! You know we have maids doing that.

Me: I do but why can't I?

Kai: Because you are not emplyed here nor are you here to work for me.

Me: But I can help out, no?

Kai: Not if you are injured.

Me: .... I just wanted to pay you a bit back... You are treating me so well here.

Hari: But not this way little bean.

Me: But!

Hari: No buts! I am with Hari here and everyone in this household as well. Also no kitchen work.

Me: Awww........

I really liked helping around even though I knew that everyone would actually tell me off. There was not a single time they had let me help around at all besides the Kitchen. The people there would leave me to make some food here and there since I could cook quite well but I was an even better baker. So I loved spending some time in the kitchen.

Kai: Let's leave that be for now. Izuku do you have any plans from here on out?

Hari: He means future wise... could have said it too you know Kai. After all a new school year is approaching and well isn't it time to chose which school you want to enter?

Me: Ohh... yeah.... 

Come to think about it.... I wanted to go into UA.... but with Kai being here to help me out... probably not a good idea at all.

I don't want to get him into any kind of troubles.

I really couldn't get myself to tell them the truth. My big dream was to become a hero and I already knew how stupid that was. Still if I set my mind to something, then I would get it done for sure. This was a bit of a complicated situation though. My dream was one thing but I had villains around me... so becoming a hero was a no go and who knows how long I would actually be with these people together. My mother on life supports and all the doctors and medics said that they couldn't do much with their quirk since she was quite weak and had to overcome this on herself. Besides they had to put her into a coma too. 

Soo... being a hero was a no go for now.

But when I couldn't become a hero, then what should I become else? 

I never had a plan B at all.

Hari: So?

Me: Well... I don't know....

Kai: You don't know?

Me: Yeah?

Hari: That is a question not answer. You know that... right?

Me; Yeah.....

Kai: So you have something in mind?

Me: Well......


A) Tell them your dream!

B) Avoid the topic

The choice is Yours! (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now