B) Stay hidden as "the Caller"!

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Everyone ran out of the room leaving me alone. What should I say? I could understand them since I knew exactly what was going on but at the same time, I thought it was quite foolish to let me be in this place all alone. I was no other but the villain they were about to hunt down. Would anyone actually think about something like this? I mean, searching in their very own place? Suspecting one of them? Could they even bear to think that their best friend would do something like this? Alright, alright, I was not the best friend of anyone in this room but just a good friend. Still, it didn't make any difference.


They will forever chase after either a whole organisation or they will think of me as a mastermind.

The reality is soo close and yet soo far away.

Who can blame them tho?!

I am not even 20 yet!

It didn't take long for the whole police station to be flipped. People started to run from left to the right! I could hear their screams through the open door as I was looking at the paper with a huge smile. This was the chaos I wanted! This was the best thing I could actually hope for.

Since there was certainly some way of communication, I decided to pull my phone up and turn into the next online radio to listen to what they had to say about what was going on.

"Various heroes and special forces just arrived at the scene. For now, entery is prohibited and it is assumed that this is the doing of the new villain The Caller."

I just nodded as I started sorting these papers out. Tsukauchi and the others were after all counting on me to do my job. I was an offical analyst for the police and I had to do what I had to do. I would look at this villain from a third point of view. It was hard to judge myself but it would be easy to sort out all the evidence on paper and then learn from this. In fact, I took this as a way to learn how to get better and better, misleading and putting evidence in places where they shouldn't be any or would simply confuse them.

Me: Alright.... this is solid....

Thankfully they did gave me some papers so I could put down some words but at one point I thought that it would be a bit too litte. It took me just about half an hour while listening to what was going on to scribble all kind of things down.

"We just got informed that a calling card was found. The whole area is still offlimited but it seemed as if there is no surivivor and from all 250 people including the staff, no one seemed to have survived. It is still unclear what happened but we are keen to find out and will be staying tuned...."

Me: Mh... I am sure you do....

Now now... I wonder what I should do next?

Oh this is kinda fun...

I like this mystery around who the caller is.

Perhapse I should make them think that I was a woman?!

Or perhapse old enough to be around 30 or 40?

Sounds as if I would be busy making a fake profile and leave enough hints to make it fit to the profile....

Hmmm but Tsukauchi might be dangerous...

Should I get rid of thim in the future?

And ruin all the fun?

Heck nah!

But Kacchan must go!

That motherfucker really thinks he is still better than me.

Pffff- he really should have learned the difference of our status by now.

My future was really just a mystery but I was happy to say that I think I found a solid place to work at and make a fake alibi where no one could question if it was me or not. I mean, I was basically working for the police and hands in hands with a hero. As long as I wouldn't slip up, I should be fine. 

And if not, oh well, accidents happen!

All it means is that I would need to continue what I am doing just with the pure fact that the whole world would know who I was.

Would that be that bad?

Well not reall but this way was a lot more fun.

Besides within an hour after the heroes went out, the news finally got hold of a hero and it was, funny enough, no other than Kacchan.


This was enough to know that they had just labled me, aka the Caller, as the number 1 villain due. The reason was obvious. I was unpredictable, took too many lives at once and I wouldn't care about anything at all. This was how a good villain should actually act but it seems that the villains really didn't know how to behave themselves at all. Oh well, I would put a new exacmple for the word wicked and would definitely transform the definition of villainy.

A promise I would definitely hold tightly to.

That was after all, all the joy I had left in life.

~~END of villain route~~


This is the end of the villain rout of the quirkless story part. Next up should be the suicidal. If you want to find out the other endings, go and have a try at the other choices and routes.

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