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I really felt empty when I woke up. There was nothing truly left for me. I was all alone in the room and staring at the ceiling for quite some time. This heavy air and this feeling was weighting me down. All my limbs felt soo heavy that I just couldn't stand up. I felt soo tired and sluggish and I had not intention of doing anything at all. The nurse was bringing me some food earlier and I couldn't even make myself to look at it. I just couldn't believe what happened, I couldn't believe that I was all alone and I couldn't believe that I was the one surviving the incident instead of my mother.

I can't go on like this!

This is sickening.

My chest hurts!

I feel so empty... emotionless....

I am as good as dead...

What was I supposed to do now?

What am I supposed to do....

My mind was empty. There was nothing inside as I couldn't actually fathom my very own emotions. My limbs felt heavy. I cried soo much till I had no tears left anymore. There was no feelings in my fingers, toes, my skin or anything at all. I was plain empty. Then there was this heavy feeling that was really weighting me down. It felt as if there was a whole in my chest and it was getting bigger and bigger and it was actually scaring me. There was a lump in my throat and I was just soo helpless..... 

I needed someone!

I needed my mother!

I needed her voice, her touche, her advcise and her love....

That was when I realised once again that I was all alone.

She was everything I had and I just couldn't process this at all.

It was a short thought but when it came, my body moved on it's own. I might be in a hospital room but there was a window and they certainly wouldn't make it be one where I could open it at all. There should be a small room attached to this room which was a bathroom with a mirror. There I should be able to smash it but that wouldn't help me either. Instead of moving that much, I just simply looked at my arm and took out the IV. It was a sharp needle and it didn't take me long to break it apart so that I simply had the needlee in my hand.

Without even thinking much, I pushed it deeply into a vein I could see in my arm and only stopped trying to find the right place when blood started seeping out of the other end of the small needlee.

Now all I had to do was wait.

This is it...

This is the best thing I can do....

I can't just simply continue.

I am not worth it...

I shouldn't even been born!

Useless idiot!

Your mother didn't want you!

Why don't you take a swan dive?!!


I closed my eyes and started remembering all the words that were thrown at me. These were all the words that hurt me and the ones I always tried to play off. I never wanted anyone to know how much they hurt me. 

I am not insulting you honey, I am sinply describing you waste of space.

Anyone who ever loved you was wrong.

You must have been born on a highway, there are too many accidents happening there and you honey are the worst.

You're ass useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.

You are the human version of a period cramp.

These were the more creative insults that hit quite hard. I knew what they meant and each time I would answer them in a sassy way to act more cheerful but that didn't meant that these things dind't hit me at all. 

As if that matter now. I was quite happy but that heavy feeling was continuing to consume even now. Nothing changed by the fact that I was now bleeding. Perhapse I should feel a bit of pain but I didn't feel anything at all. I would cry but I had no tears.

At leats now, no one can hurt me anymore.

Maybe this is even stupid..... 

I just hope no one finds me....

I am quirkless... why should anyone come into this room to check on me other than giving me the necessities....

No one should come in here...

I should be fine.

I am doing them all a favor anyways.

One less useless person to take care off.


A) Eraserhead finds him

B) Tsukauchi finds him

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