Out again!?!

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It was the same night that I was outside once again gathering information. I was better of analysing things instead of fighting. I could never really enjoy fights. Instead I decided to find my own path. Of course I was being a vigilante because I wanted it but the way that I was doing it was just my way. Comfort, that was how I saw it. It was not because I actually couldn't fight. Oh no, I think I have proofed myself enough with the LOV but I still liked watching and observing, gathering information more than anything. 

Today is quite nice.

Hah... I hope I don't need to fight anyone here.

I don't really like fighting that much.

Why can't we talk things out?

Not as if I am going to a villain and as "hey wanna talk?"... I am not that stupid.

Then again....

I can't avoid each and every fight...

But whenever I can, I should!

I was really set on not fighting a lot at all. First off, my chances were lower in getting through a fight unharmed, second I could die and third... well do I need a third reason? If I die, then my mother would be devastated and if I get hurt, Kai will send his men to actually deal with the situation. So the best solution was to handpick the fights I can deal with on my own while doing what I like the most and that is observing fights.

Eraserhead: *sigh*

It was a sound which I was starting to get used too. This was the second time the hero approached me on a rooftop but this time, he didn't hide his presence at all. 

Me: What?

Eraserhead: Not even a hello?

Me: Hello. Are you now satisfied?

Eraserhead: No. Why are you here?

Me: This is my place and I was on this rofftop before you.

Eraserhead: You know what I meant.

Me: I do... I like it up here.

Eraserhead: *sigh* This is not a place for a child.

Me: Even if said child has more information for you?

It's not even a while day after I had given Eraserhead the information about the LOV that I got a bit more. This time they were my very own analysis. I was curious about the LOV and asked Hari and Kai to give me the name of the people. One should really fear social media because I could gather all the information about the peoples quirks online over videos as well as news article and did quite a bit. I was proud of my skill which I worked soo hard for. Plus it would definitely help the hero.

Eraserhead: Where are you getting these?

Me: These are my pesonal analyses from all that I could find online. You need it for the fight. I am sure they will come after you as well.

Eraserhead: *sigh* Have you looked through the other information?

Me: Yes... and?

Eraserhead: Its gonna happen tomorrow and thanks to you, all the staff of UA are prepared.

Me: I am glad about that fact.

Eraserhead: But you shouldn't get yourself in troubles.

Me: I won't. I am just up here to observe and this is also not tresspassing sooo.... you can't arrest me nor get me off the rooftop.

Eraserhead: You know your stuff.

Me: Of course I know what I am doing.

Eraserhead: *sigh* I guess I will be having an eye out for you then.

This was all the hero said before he left but that was what I thought until I was about to get going as well and found a pre-paid phone laying there with a small card laying under it.

This hero... he really is going this far.... for what?


I picked up the phone and the card and started reading it:

Use this phone, saved in police detective number, mine, Nezu's as well as a couple of other heroes numbers inside. Nezu's order. No take back.

I guess this hero was always just straight to the point seeing how this note was writen but it made me really smile. It seems that I have gotten myself in quite the situation. Not only was there a number saved up unter Eraserhead but Nezu and when I saw that, just in the same time as if that rat knew I had the phone in my hand, the phone started buzzing thanks to a new message.

Nezu: - I will tolerate your presence as long as you will be continuing to deliver crucial informations instead of fighting villains on your own. -

A small message but it meant a lot to me. So much that I was smiling at the screen knowing that Overhaul was not in danger because of me as I was becomeing the bridge between them....

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