B) Tsukauchi finds him

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Remember me to think twice before doing something stupid. I couldn't believe how stupid I was for actually trying to kill myself in a hospital. Of course I wouldn't suceed. Why would I when they had enough resources to actually help me get back to life or in other words undead me. Tho honestly I didn't think about this for a second when I commited to the crime. I was just soo focused on the feeling that bothered me, that even seemed to drown me. 

It was different now tho.

.... did I die?

If I would be dead, I wouldn't be so angry at me for doing somthing this ridiculous.

.... So yes, unfortunately I did survive.


Well guess how with a detective who was coming into the room every day! There was no chance of me to actually get off the hock with doing shit like this. It was about 10 minutes after I layed down to sleep that I heard a scream for help. To be honest, I didn't hear the door opening or closing. I just heard the scream for the nuse and that scared me soo much that I sat up looking at the detective. He rushed over to my side cursing and looking at the wound to stop the bleeding. 

Gosh, that was the very first moment I wished that I could kill myself and someone burry me alive. I felt embarrassed at the beginning when he found me because it felt as if he caught me stealing something or doing something very very bad. My guilt was instantly taking over that drowning feeling. Not long after that I got angry at myself and at the man for trying to save me and started screaming. .... and that is where we come to where we are now.

The nurse came to bandage me up and then left me alone in a room together with the detective. He wanted answers and I wanted a funeral. We both wouldn't get what we wanted today for sure.

Tsukauchi: *sigh* Now I am just like Shota..... Kid, just tell me honestly if you are gonna answer me today.... about this....

Me: No.

Tsukauchi: Alright. There is no need to say anything about it.....

Me: ....

I definitely started to refuse to talk to him the more he was spending time with me. I thought he was just a bother and a hindrance for me right now... perhaps it was a stupid idea but it was an idea... maybe it was a good idea to actually stand up and start running out of the room.

The moment the idea popped up, I already threw the blanket away from the bed and was about to stand up but fell to the ground the same time I tried to stand up.

Well... fuck....

I can't really feel my legs....

What happened?!


Is this thanks to the incident.... or... wait... no... I can feel them... I am just an idiot.

Tsukauchi: And what are you doing now?

Me: Trying to stand up.

Tsukauchi: And then?

Me: Get out.

Tsukauchi: You can't just leave the hospital like that.

Me: Then just watch me do it!

Tsukauchi: Most certainly not. You are still a patient here and you definitely need their professional help.

Me: You mean a psychic ward? No thanks.

Tsukauchi: I didn't mean that... you had some burnes when they got you out of the car and even the best healers had a hard time healing it.

Me: HEALERS! Why in the world were there healers around me? I am quirkless!!!

I was quite shocked and surprised. Tsukauchi was helping me up to get back into the bed and tucked me in with the blanket I threw to the ground after shaking the dirt or dust away from it. 

Tsukauchi: Yes but that is not important. You are a civilian and you are a child. 

Me: So they didn't know..... great... now they will regret daving me for their rest of their lives.

Tsukauchi: Why are you even talking like that?

Me: Like what?

Tsukauchi: As if you hated yourself.

Me: Is that wrong?

Tsukauchi: YES!

All of the sudden the detective screamed at me and in the next second looked away and sighed before saying the same word a bit more softly this time. I could only guess where this is about to go but to my surprised he shut up and just left the room. I would have loved to say... "today... right now... it's time!" but that wasn't actually true. There was no way I could get out of this... and I was definitely gonna be stuck around this hospital for a bit longer.

Well thanks stupid brain!

How about thinking first before commiting and failing!

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