What's the plan doc?

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Spinner: What the hell was going on down there?

Toga: He was sooo perfect!

Shigaraki: ..... 

The girl that came up with me and Shigaraki seemed to be on cloud nine since she was actually blushing and then clinging to my arm till Shigaraki kinda stepped in and Kurogiri had to get them apart. Well not really my problem which was why I didn't decdided to focus on them at all.

Compress: Anything happening?

Me: No.

Twice: But that kid down there?, Sweet little kid in heaven.

Me: Kacchan? He is mine, don't touch him. I need to prepare him for the start of next year.

Compress: Start of the next year?

They all seemed a bit curious and I couldn't blame them since no one knew what I kinda had in mind. This villain group was something All for One created and put together. They may not be all smart but they at least had a history and something that was making them go on for sure. They were all here for a reason after all.

Me: He will be our spy in the best hero school of the world, UA.

Spinner: You want someone in UA? Why not use Toga? She can shift.

Me: Yes but it would be too risky as the head of the school is a chimera and he has an inteligent quirk as well. I need someone who acts normal without a second thought. Someone whos body already reacts normal and not suspicious in any kind of way.

Compress: And that is him?

Me: After I break him and train him, yes.

Twice: Bro, you sound mad., That is a really good idea.

Me: I agree with your second part.

Twice: That is lunacy!, Genius!

Me: I like your second half more by each minute.

Dabi: But after that, then what?

Me: It is known that All Might will be attending UA and not only that but there are some hero teachers and UA is the school representing the best heroes in history. Once we can make UA fall, we can make the society panick and bring it down once for all to rebuild it with our own hands.

Compress: I don't understand.

Kompress: You are not the only one.

Shigaraki: That sounds insane and you told me, I am insane.

Me: It's really not that insane. We want to stay villains, right?

Toga: Of course!

Me: Then you should look at it this way: ... If we have inside information, we can make plans to hit and run. We can hit more specific and cause more damage without getting in trouble.

Dabi: That part is clear but how are we gonna break society and rebuild it.

Me: Shiggy!

Shigaraki: Don't call me that bastard.

Me: I will call you and anyone here however I want, deal with it princess.

Shigaraki: Fuck you!

Me: Anyways, I promised you All Might, no?

Shigaraki: Where is this going?

Me: I will bring you All Might and with that, I will make society be weak and in need of a new symbol of peace which my puppy is gonna be.

Compress: WAIT! You want that kid down there to be the next number one while we controll him?

Dabi: Doesn't sound that bad... no one will ever think about something like that.

Shigaraki: It is crazy but brilliant.

Me: I know and risky which is why I need everyone here to function as a team and not as a person alone. If I see anyone not doing as I said, I will not hesitate at all to remove you.

Kurogiri: I will be helping you as promised.

Me: Thanks.

It was a promise we never actually said out loud. I knew the moment that I got here that Kurogiri was the left hand man of the one in charge of these idiots, my idiots. It was that simple to see through everything but the main thing was to get everything in place and get everything done. I needed something that was grand, a plan that would get us all through it and alive as well. Something that would get us all wanted and something that would get us safe. As crazy as it sounded and as contradicting as it was, I knew something like that was possible if we could pull the strings behind the curtains. We had to rise and be the puppetier and not the puppets for once.

I was about to create a show no one would forget and I would get my name up to be the number 1 Villain in the century!

Wanted and never caught!

One villain that was untouchable by everyone!

I could do it!

That was my new dream, my future and I was about to make it true for sure!

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