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I really couldn't believe this! I really started living being a vigilante! This felt sureal. I really couldn't understand that this was reality. If anything, I was sure that this was a dream. Overhaul aka Kai Chisaki was there for me and he trained me. For the first couple of nights, he was with me and keeping watch over what bullshit I was doing but let me tell you one thing... I was good at what I was doing.

Who would have thought that!

Like seriously!

Who would have thought that?

I always thought that my pipe dream was just stupid and idiotic but nope. That was not it at all. I could do it! After I got trained, I started to have a feel for danger and could see and read my opponent better than before. It was really crazy! This was something I was only reading in books and yet here I was having this skill. I would call it a skill, since I didn't understand what else to call it besides skill. This was not a quirk! No, nothing about what I was doing needed a quirk. Instead I had weapons and support gear to help me out.

Today I was outside once again but this time I was running around on the rooftop looking for any cases or accidents that could accure but there was just nothing at all. 

???: And what are you doing on the rooftop kid?

This was way too sudden. I really didn't hear this hero approaching me and the suddenness of the voice made me jump, nearly loosing my balance. I would have definitelly lost it if I didn't started to sprint away in an instant. After all, I knew who this hero was! This was Eraserhead and he knew me too. He was the hero who had once came to my classroom... he knew about my existance! 

For now, I had to run and try get rid of him. 

Or so..... was my thought. 

The moment I started running, I stummbled upon something that was worrying me. I could see some blue flames and the nearier I got the slower I became. Of course the hero soon joined me and I made a motion for him to know to be silent. There was no need for this since he could read the room but I liked to be sure that we were both on the same page.

???: WATCH IT!



There were two people arguing quite loudly about moving a person. It seemed as if they were about to kidnapp the person and that was when this hero decided to jump down and immediately catch them in the act. Didn't really work out at all. Two versus One.... not the best deal but when I saw his quirk in action, I could tell that he could really win this battle.

Now I could have joined in on the fun but there was no need for this at all until..... well there was this lilac or violet or black thing... it seemed like mist but I was not so sure about it.

Anyways, a boy came through wearing a hoody and some arms attached to the black hoody. Now if this was not weird enough then the bird looking Hulk right next to him was. It was at that moment that I knew, this hero wouldn't be able to get through this alone.

It didn't take anyone to talk at all, no one screamed, no one dared to move besides this roar which came from the creatue. Was it even human? Who knows! Though one thing was clear, it ran towards the hero and its speed was more than the hero could handle. Not only speed but also strength. Everything about this thing screamed beast and monster.

What was I supposed to do?

When I saw it, I knew there was no way I could fight that thing. I was not tired of life at all. So I watched the whole thing go down and as I thought the hero didn't even last 5 minutes before they knock the man out and started to get back through that portal.

Now here was my one in a lifetime chance to infiltrate their base. Of course I knew this was stupid but I decided to still jump down from the rooftop and then get through the portal in the last sedon just to quickly hide immediately after I got through.

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