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You woke up the next morning tired. If there was one night you didn't have that stupid nightmare maybe you could get a decent night of sleep. You stretch your arms and legs before sitting up and going into your bathroom. You turn the shower on hot and turn around to brush your teeth. After you brush you teeth you step into the shower quickly washing your hair and body while remembering why your up this early. Your meeting Scarlett for coffee. Even though you know it's just to sign some paperwork you can't help but feel giddy about this blossoming friendship. Friendship? Y/n, she's your client what are you talking about. Right, shit. You shake away those thoughts and hop out of the shower to do your skin care. After 20 minutes you're finally done and head to your closet to pick an outfit. You decide on casual mom jeans and a black foo fighters shirt with your doc martens. Since you have a meeting in soho at 2 it'll be casual enough to meet with Anna but not make you feel like you look like trash.
You finish drying your hair put on some concealer and mascara and get dressed. You put on some necklaces and rings and head to the kitchen. You just grab a bottle of water before heading to your car to get going. Should I text her before going? You think for a sec before grabbing your phone from your purse.
"Hey, just leaving now. When you get there park around back, I'll be waiting there. Less chance of paparazzi for you." I type out.
That doesn't sound like too much right? Nah ok, I hit send. As I'm pulling out of my driveway I hear my phone go off but don't look at it right away. When I pull up to the red light I see it's Scarlett who texted.
"Hey y/n! Wow special coffee and special treatment? You know the way to my heart. ;)" I read.
I smile as I read that and look a wonky face. She is Definetly flirting.
"Only the best for my best client ;)" I reply fast and throw my phone to the passenger side chair when the light turns green.
Since I'm only a block away I don't look at my phone when I hear it go off again. I pull around the back of the bakery and park my truck in the corner backed in so I can wait in the car and see when Scarlett pulls in. About another 3 min and she pulls up right next to my truck. 8:58. Punctual, how I like it.
She gets out of her car and I'm immediately put in a trance. Her blonde Bob free of her usual bun and flowing down her face. Cute floral top paired with jeans and cute heels. She looks heavenly. "Hey y/n! Thanks for inviting me here it's looks so cute!" Scarlet says walking up to me and engulfing me in a hug. I can smell her floral purfume and her natural vanilla scent. I almost moan at the divine smell. I reciprocate the hug and reply. "Oh this is a family friend I've known for a whiles place who does actually have the best coffee. I knew it wouldn't be too busy for us to be comfortable. id love to show you the actual goods though, just follow me." I laugh nervously. She raises her eyesbrows almost surprised I took her into consideration. I lead her through the back door and we walk straight into the kitchen. Most bakery's are already up and running by atleast 6am so most of the baking was already done but as I'm leading her to the front I see Henry, the owner.
He stops me and says "woah now is that the one and only y/n!?" "
"Hi Henry, I was looking for you and Martha. How are you guys, and let me introduce you to a friend, Scarlett this is Henry. His wife Martha and him own this bakery. They would bring me in the back some mornings before school and show me how to bake a pastry and then I'd get to take that pastry to school that day" I say smiling between Henry and Scarlett.
"She picked it up real quick, I told her I'd hire her but she was always too fancy for us!" he replies with a chuckle. He leads us through the rest of the kitchen to the front room where Martha is stocking the shelf and cleaning up the counter a bit.
"Look who came to visit dear" Henry says walking up to his wife as he places a kiss on her forehead. Martha turns around and squeals I'm excitement.
"Y/n my dear how are you doing!" Martha yells into my ear while she's hugging me.
I turn to Scarlett apologetically and say how I've been and introduce her to scarlet.
"It's about time you brought a woman home to meet us!" Martha says lovingly towards me

Martha and Henry were kind of like parents to me. When I was in a senior I was all alone and after the 5th time I was in there from dawn to dusk she finally asked me those questions I always hated. "Do you have a family waiting for you or someone worried if you haven't been home all day?" She asked that one June morning. I thought I had been slick because school was almost over and this was the one place I could go and not be asked why a kid (I was 17) was alone. "Nope they are working" was always my answer.

I snap back into reality when Martha nudges me with a bright smile on her face as she looks between Scarlett and I.
"No Mar, she's a client. We needed privacy and I had to brag about your amazing coffee." I say rolling my eyes.
"Ok ok honey sorry, work always with this one." Martha teased me talking to Scarlett. Scarlett laughed as I lead her to a corner booth in the back. As we sat down I started getting the paperwork out from my purse and Martha came over with 2 coffees and 2 chocolate croissants. She placed down the pastries and coffee and then came back with creams and sugars.
"Here dear, y/n drinks it black but I wasn't sure how you take your coffee." Marks says pushing the little cup of cream and sugars towards Scarlett.
"Oh thank you but I actually like it black too" Scarlett says and winks at me as I make eye contact.
"That's a first, never met anyone else who likes it that way." I smile at her.
"So, these two copies here are stating the marriage is in dissolution and it cannot be brought back together. And this one is going to be forfeiture or property since you don't want the house in Long Island. After I submit these we can officially serve Colin. Is that what you want us to do?" I ask. She looks at me warily.
"I haven't talked to him yet but I will this week. Can we wait until Monday to submit them?" She ask.
"Of course, you're in charge here." I say and send her a little wink which makes her chuckle.
She signs the papers and slides them back over to me.
"Ya know, I've been wondering a little about you. Last night I was thinking how we haven't crossed paths with Anna and I being friends and you essentially working right under her." She asks curiously.
"Well, I studied and trained with her until I was 22, last year I took a little break and just got back a month ago. Have you been around each other recently or was it years ago?" I ask also wondering
"We've been friends for years but I just moved back to nyc 3 years ago, we didn't get a chance to be in the same city until last year so that probably explains why I haven't seen you. Why'd you take a break? Couldn't handle it?" She asks jokingly.
"Uh no just some family issues I had to straighten out. My sister was moving from here to Australia and just wanted to help her settle in."I says cautiously hoping she won't ask more questions.
"That was nice of you! I'm sure your parents are proud to have siblings who actually get a long. My twin, hunter and I are constantly bickering it's easier if we are apart for a while now." She laughs as she explains. She doesn't notice my expression until she looks up and see my somber attitude.
"Uh yeah no my parents aren't around anymore. My sister is all I have left but we're not as close as we used to be." I say not able to make eye contact.
"Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't know. She's lucky to have you." She says as she grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Im always here if you want to talk about anything. I can imagine it's hard not having someone to talk to." She says while making eye contact. My brain is starting to swell a little while I get lost in her green eyes. I can hear her talking but I have no clue what she's saying. The only thing I can look at are her eyes and the feeling of warmth and security it gives me.
"Earth to y/n, are you in there?" She says jokingly while waving her hand in front of my face.
I finally snap back again and apologize.
"Where were you?" Scarlett ask as she takes a bite of her cross isn't.
"Honestly I'm not sure but it felt nice." I say truthfully. She eyes me for a second until she continues eating while we talk about anything and everything random that comes to our head. She asks a lot more question about how things will go after he is served and she seems very nervous.
"Hey listen I'm on your side, if you need advice on how to talk to him or even want me to be there I can be. Just let me know. You can call me at any time. Day or night. I'm here for you Scarlett." I say as I grab her hand and stroke her knuckles with my thumb.
"Thank you. I'm actually going to go home after work today and talk to him. He's suppose to be home early to pick Rose up from school for me so he should be sober. I also have a friend coming to pick Rose up for a park date so I have a free house." She explains
"That's great. Good start. And like I said I'll always be here for you." I state.
She smiles sweetly and gazed at me. Like shes thinking about something she wants to say but she doesn't.
"Well I have to head to work, I can call you later if I need right?" She asks again looking timid.
"Of course Johansson, anytime remember?" I say with a smirk on my face.
"Wow last name basis now, what did I do?" She says laughing
"Oh no sorry I don't want to over step with a nickname so I thought last name was safer." I laugh
"It's okay y/n I like the way my name comes off your tongue. But you could also car me Scar." She smirks as she gets up and walks to the counter.
Martha tells her it's on the house but she ask for a dozen donuts anyway to bring to the office. I walk her out to her car after we say good bye to Henry and Martha.
"Welp, talk to you soon." I say as I close her door for her. She rolls down her window and says "yes, we will. Thanks for the coffee and breakfast too it was a great start to my day!" She smiles.
I watch her pull out and around the building and I head into my car. I'm about to put it into drive when I get a text message. I pick it up and my heart drops.
"Hey bitch guess who just got out of jail. See you soon."

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